Random Silly Grins

I thought it was so cute! It’s pretty hard to get a kid to be that expressive on camera in a scripted bit like this was.

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Apparently he’s turning this into a channel.


Something Positive today is awesome and entirely too true (@noahdjango):


if you zoom in all the way, it looks like it says 1939.

So much of the humor requires deciphering now, but it’s still pretty neat.
The publisher is LA-based, though; they’re laughing at their own solipsism. Although, they do seem to be making fun of Iowa, or at least “Iowa,” which seems to be code for what we now call “flyover country” (also code.) The road starting in NYC with a radio tower and sign: Town Hall Tonite, through massively outsized Iowa and its yokels following the Los Angeles One Way Only sign seems to have a more nuanced meaning than just “flyovers want to be famous.” There’s a specific meaning to the start of the road at the NY town hall meeting, presumably.

@mindysan33 you posted while I was typing the above–weird.
My ATL experience is still quite the outsider view since I sold my car a few months after moving here in '02. I was a car courier though, so I definitely got the worst of it then, and some as a passenger since, but thankfully I was able to get shed of my car and never looked back.


Do you see Alabama down there! Yikes, 1939 indeed! Racism a-hoy!

I do love old maps, though, even when they have stuff like that.

Yep, that’s pretty rare here, not having a car, but I think more people are living near work, and biking/taking MARTA now-a-days, which is good. The more people use them, the more people will demand public transit, I think.


i like how it shows Lake Tahoe almost entirely in California, with just a tiny part on the Nevada side, when in actuality the lake is split in half by the state border. But it’s accurate, in a way, because Californians act like Tahoe is all theirs. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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ya, in 1939, deed restrictions were legal in LA. Out of sight, out of mind. “They all live in Alabama, I hear.”

For several years, I was the only person I knew aside from my messenger peeps that rode their bike everywhere. Peter Jennings said ATL was the most bike-unfriendly city in the US. Mine was the only bike at Lenny’s and MJQ. Then this girl Rachael started going to Lenny’s by bike, but I didn’t really know her. Then the skinny-jeans-and-fixie crowd started locking up outside MJQ. Several years later, Rachael had founded SOPO bike co-op. Within a few more years, there were bike lanes on Ponce, of all places. Now there’s more bikes on the road in in-town ATL than anywhere I’ve ever lived, hand-in-hand with all the gentrification. The cars aren’t going away anytime soon, but there are a lot of people who visibly want an alternative to commuting hell, that’s for sure. Nobody was more surprised than I.


My guess? All the folks from Radio City wanting to “be in pictures”. Nothing to do with yokels from “Iowa” 'tall.


Yeah, on my drive home, I go through little 5, and there is always folks on bikes going through those neighborhoods. I think it’s a positive for the city, for sure. I wish we had much more light rail and better MARTA train coverage, too, which went OTP more. I think as long as we don’t go the way of San Fran, and our housing stock goes completely out of control price wise, and we manage to retain racial and economic diversity intown, I think we have a positive future with regards to quality of life.

They had signs up today for a meeting on the street improvements on the reversible lanes on Decatur St./Dekalb Ave/Marietta St. I’m not sure WHERE they can expand, but I’ll be curious to see what the proposals are for that corridor, as it’s much busier now than it used to be.



Only if you drink it.


Pffft. My 8yo niece has put together IKEA furniture. I mean, it’s cool there are now robots who can do that, but I will never understand why people think it’s difficult for humans.


I just think it’s hilarious to watch. They should program them to curse when they don’t succeed at a task.


They should program them to curse in Swedish!




only if you usually add vinegar to your smoothies?


Well, you know, cider vinegar eh? It’s good for you.


Considering some of the seeds, leaves, oils, and other stuff some people put in their smoothies, I’m not sure vinegar is too far out of the norm.


Headline rules apply, especially to Ranysaurus Meme.