So you’re getting a shantering of snow then.
Perhaps the Zuckerberg pile-on ought to have its own thread? Or, given some of the reactions, maybe Schadenfreude Pie would be a good spot?
I have to think that when you make the same mistake repeatedly (e.g. underestimate the flammability of elemental carbon), the crush is going to start questioning the “smart” part of that.
…you get 1.4M followers on YouTube.
ETA: The video that @Wanderfound linked to reminded me of when, in my youth, I used my model train transformer and a couple of pencil leads to generate an arc that I could use to cut apart the plastic airplane and tank models that I had outgrown.
I think my biggest issue with the weather here right now is the wide swings we’ve been seeing, like we’ve had some 30-something degree mornings, and then a few days later, it’s 80 in the afternoon.
Hopefully, I never have to testify, cause I’m 5’! I’ll look like a toddler!
Tall women are screwed too, because if they dress authoritatively they’re bitches before they even say a thing, and if they dress femininely they’re not taken seriously (same as short women).
Good dog.
Lies. It advertised the worst song in the world but did not, in fact, play MMMBop.
I’m pretty sure that “worst song in the world” is a superpositional state, whenever you’re listening to it the waveform collapses into whichever “worst song” is statistically most likely.
LOL, as opposed to The Worst Band In The World, which is actually a great song and is in fact a donut.
@Chaz1 another classic (yes, this is real not a parody):
[cat shakes off hat]
[cat bats hat around the floor]
Of course that’s what would happen.
It’s no secret what a cat is thinking.
more weather reports should be done like that.
I thought it was so cute! It’s pretty hard to get a kid to be that expressive on camera in a scripted bit like this was.