I love how he refused to shave his mustache off for the role.
That man is the Lee Oskar of watches.
I assumed it was a steampunk starter kit.
Alright, we’ll call it a draw.
I’ve had worse.
I think whoever did that is just toying with us.
The magnets are a nice touch.
I had to go look it up:
Fun fact: for the bits where the Black Knight is hopping around on one leg, John Cleese had a stand in. A one-legged silversmith from London named Richard Burton.
I love him and his vids. So very cool, smart, and silly.
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is a gem whomst most folk aren’t hip to.
Also, during a road trip, we turned a “corner” on a highway in Wisconsin and suddenly cliffs, lake, trees - literally breathtaking. We both gasped, it was so beautiful.
I’m guessing she got cat-fished.
And she fell for it hook line and sinker.