Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Check near light sources?


There is only one light source, and that is where I looked.

I hope it flew back out the window, but moths arenā€™t that smart.


Through years of careful observation, I have ascertained that moths are intradimensional. It must have slipped to another plane of existence when you stepped away.


Itā€™s that time of year again

Today my BMI is 26.02

Thatā€™s better than last month, but the ghost of my young athletic self is still appalled


My experience: Steve loves cats and dogs and any animals and takes in rescues from the shelter. Heā€™s ok with mental illness and will sit with you at the hospital in the waiting room however long it takes, even on Christmas. He sometimes finds life too much to deal with and needs a place to crash for awhile, not because he doesnā€™t have a place, but because he needs people around so he doesnā€™t get too lost in the darkness in his head. He became a firefighter and an EMT and basically spends his entire life rescuing people when he isnā€™t rescuing animals.

But heā€™s cranky and ornery as fuck. Often you get the ā€œget off my lawn you stupid kids!ā€ vibe from him even though heā€™s about 50-60 years too young for that. If you just met him, youā€™d probably think heā€™s a total asshole. He can be very argumentative and has very strong opinions. But thereā€™s a heart of gold inside.


Iā€™ve known a good Steven. He never AFAIK goes by Steve.


The only Steve I knew was at work. He was a slacker who did zero work. How he kept his job is a mystery (even in the US fed. gov. you can get fired, contrary to common opinion; it just takes a long time).


Mine just gave up and sits on the couch with me. But the partner is signing up for the same gym I have a membership at (from work) and since it is between our respective work places, we intend to start going in the morning before work.

Maybe this will work.


So, Iā€™m cancelling a job interview tomorrow because if I get the job, I wonā€™t have an easy way to get there, since itā€™s near a bus line.

That darn Catch-22. (hey wasnā€™t that a movieā€¦or am I crossing ā€œCatch-22ā€ with ā€œThat Darn Cat!ā€, lol?)


Last weekend my AC broke again. Different issue: the fan on the air exchange I just had installed last February broke late last week. Iā€™ve been informed that it may have broken the rooftop unit I just had repaired a couple of months ago, but thereā€™s no way to tell until the fan is replaced.

So Friday morning I had one guy confirm it was the fan, and arranged for a replacement to be couriered. The fan was delivered, and a second repair person showed up in the afternoonā€¦ only to tell me itā€™s the wrong fan.

So now I have to spend a humid weekend with no AC, and endure a third visit, which will hopefully conclude with a fixed fan and a not-broken rooftop unit.


A scrapper stole my garage/yard sale sign, mounted on an old folding lawn chair. Itā€™s pretty obvious from the street that I am indeed having a garage/yard sale. But they didnā€™t yell ā€œHey!ā€ or anything; I did see and hear them, but thought they were prospective customers, just looking at my wares from the street.

But nope, they thought it was scrap. Even though I have another sign, mounted on a steel shepherdā€™s/gardening hook. Even though it had an 11" x 17" sign that said ā€œGARAGE/YARD SALEā€ on it in blue and green crayon.

WTF is this world coming to when the poor steel from the poorer? They were driving a HUGE late-model Ford 4x4 pickup! Fucking BALLS on some folks.


Get to work.

Open office door.

Immediately hear a sound that is in the ā€œBad Soundā€ category when dealing with computers. Not so much grind my gears, but grind my platters.

Everything is backed up, but now that meansā€¦bringing down my system for maintenance and seeing if the drive is under warranty or not, getting all the data back locally, blah, blah, blah.


I canā€™t sleep, and I have a 6 am Skype meeting.


Me neither; I have a bloody nose and am waiting for clotting to proceed before lying down again.:slightly_frowning_face:


I made it to my meeting.

To find the internet in my house is down.

Could a slept in.


I have meetings in two distant locations today- a pain in the ass. No choice but to be present for both sets of meetings in both locations.
I drag a bike in to location 1 so I can ride to location 2 (and back) today. Itā€™ll be way faster (and better for me) than taking the subway and walking.
Oh, whatā€™s that? Severe thunderstorms today? Sure. Great.
So now Iā€™m trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B without being soaked/dead/hours behind schedule.


I know youā€™d prefer to ride, but a taxi might be the best option, especially if your employer is willing to pay for it.


My employer will not (ever) pay for a taxi. Nope. Not a chance.
Iā€™m hoping I can snag a ride to the subway- thatā€™ll mostly solve the later trip. I think the earlier ride will be ok (minus it being a trillion degrees here).


Any chance it would work (for next time) for your employer to see you walk in, soaking wet, with all their documentation and electronics just as wet?



I imagine Iā€™d be spoken to about the need to look professional.

That kind of a place.