Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

It’s the cargo cult approach to life. Go through the motions and it means you’re a “good person”. You don’t need to understand why you’re doing it, what it means, or how it works. Just do it.


She’s never done it this early in the a.m. And everyone but myself in the 'hood will mow their lawn when it’s damp. It’s bad for the mower, it’s bad for the lawn.

Plus, with Luke waking me up like a newborn every few hours to eat during the night, I’ve not been getting a lot of quality slumber. So, imagine my dismay (!) when, after I’d gotten back into my bed and ready to sleep again when I hear a fucking lawn mower motor. SIGH.


There is not enough tea in the world for today.

There is especially not enough tea in the world for this week.

That is all.


I work in IT. I am part of an IT organization for a largish company. All of my co-workers are IT of one shade or another.

Why the fuck can no one read a goddamned event log and see that the exact time the “screen is jittering” there is a error that Video Driver Foo had stopped responding.

No, it must be the security software because reasons. And the site support people reinstall AV and close the ticket. Then it happens again and they escalate direct to my team and are annoyed I kick the ticket to local because that’s the way things go.

So. Fine. No notes in the ticket. Or user ID of who has the issue. Just a screen shot of an email where the actual user with the issue is running it up her people.

But I have a name. A name can turn into a user ID. A user ID will give me primary workstation which gives me the model which I know is going to need the firmware on the dock updated as Flickering Video is common.

But, no it’s the Security software because Apophenia.


I’m imagining something like this…


I’m sorry, though. that sucks.


Today 25.3

If I can get it to 24.9 it will go in the Victory topic again


This is the real wtf, as they say. If you’re going to automatically escalate, then the least you can do document the problem. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

See also: if I had a nickle for every time I had to prove it’s not the database…


COMPLETELY breaking the immersion. Terrible.


When sites code for small font sizes, or a selection of small font sizes, and an appropriate line height for these sizes. So that text from each line overlaps the next if users specify our own font sizes.



hardly eating anything

doing this once a year is a compromise between not caring ever and obsessing about it all the time

I used to lose weight in the summer without even thinking about it, but now I have to make these choices on purpose and focus on it into the early autumn


No job yet. I found a way to beat credit card debt: Have no job, no money to speak of in your bank account, and own - not rent or lease - your possessions.

Oh yes, and I got a home heating credit for $22.00 from the MI Dept. of Treasury; I don’t remember filing for one, so I guess they figured it out for me, six or so months later. The stub says I’m to use it to pay for heating costs only. Now, how they gonna know if I don’t, lol?


iOS 13. It sucks.


People who break Twitter threads up at the ends of words as opposed to sentences.

I mean, if it’s a sentence that won’t fit into 280 characters, then fine. Otherwise, finish your sentence and start a new tweet.


Just as I was starting my workday, this morning, Manny Pearl came in the house absolutely covered in burrs. They might be beggar’s lice, or something else, basically tiny footballs made out of velcro.

They are all over him, like thousands of them. He even has them in his ear floof, on both ears. I don’t know how this is possible, unless he rolled around in a sticker bush.

My choices are to hold him down and brush him, or to let him clean himself, which is loud and will end in a series of really bad hairballs. So, Manny Pearl is mostly sticker free, but I should have gotten my act together 45 minutes ago.

The good news is that a slicker brush does much of the work, except for the curly hair on his tummy, because that’s what happens when he gets wet, his undercarriage gets curly and tangled.

It’s a good thing he’s a cute little fucker, and appreciative, because his timing sucks.



Today we were treated to iOS 13.1, which fixes some of the problems. Some.


I was picturing him being a person for the first few paragraphs. Honestly, I kinda still am and my brain hasn’t really reconciled that yet.


Yeah, sorry about that. I totally anthropomorphize my cats, and it makes it worse that I give them human type names.


Do you find that trying to brush a cat’s brush leads to expensive emergency room visits? And not for the cat?


It would be a dangerous proposition with most cats, but Manny came to me just as his eyes opened, so he imprinted on me as mom, and I can handle him more than any other cat I’ve met. Or perhaps he realizes that I snatched him from the jaws of death, with a dropper of milk and holding him kangaroo style in my shirt, for weeks.


Lucky cat!