Victory! 🌷💥🎆🎉😎 I'm a Rockstar!

This is amazing news!

And yeah, no doubt it is easier for you, but that’s because he’s got to learn it.

Congratulations on enabling positive steps!


I’ve just done another round of doctor visits and everything is improving. I was in a super good mood after today’s visit.

My thyroid is slowing down so my dose has been halved. I’m on one daily pill of the lowest dosage. My actual TSH was finally detectable last test and is now actually too high. So this may be the beginning of fully tapering off the meds.

My kidneys improved quickly once the Rituxan took effect. My protein loss has dropped from 12 grams a day to about 2 grams. I will get a second round of infusions next month. So 6 more months of compromised immunity but it’s working.

Hopefully I’ll be able to drop the cholesterol med soon. The lack of protein in my blood was causing overproduction of cholesterol, but I actually don’t know what my level was pre illness. Blood protien is totally normal again.

I’m allowed to have some caffeine again so yay tea, and I’m allowed more salt. I’m keeping it under 2300mg now instead of under 1500mg.

My weight is back up but has leveled off. I was a little afraid of run away weight gain from my thyroid treatment but my new baseline is only about 7 pounds heavier than my pre illness weight. So my fear of yo yoing from out of control loss to out of control gain did not come to pass.

I’m pretty much symptom free and side effect free right now so it’s just a matter of following my treatment and avoiding infection for now.


This is exciting. A year ago I came to Chattanooga and got involved in the business community. Everyone told me to go to Start Up Week and network like crazy.

I did and learned so much and met so many people.

This year, I’m a presenter!!!




I resigned a volunteer post today over their non handling of my sexism complaint.

I feel awesome.

Edit: I also made it to lovely Phoenix and my hair looks nice in the lack of humidity for once.


Given that I only know my height to maybe the nearest half inch, and given that my scale tends to report slightly different weights from one measurement to the next,

TODAY my Body Mass Index is between 24.71 and 25.07

which I would usually round to 24.9 but I’d still like to get the upper boundary down a little


Avid readers of this website might recall that three-and-a-half months ago (June 16th) I made an offer on a co-op apartment. Today I finally closed.

Now, for the first time in my half-over life, I have a decent job and a decent place to live. Achieving these two goals has been the central focus of my life for the past six years. I’m going to have to re-aquatint myself with living. I feel like crying, but I don’t have enough energy.

My life’s possessions have been sealed in cardboard boxes since 2011.


Congratulations! Happy moving in!


I’m so happy for you!!!


Entered a biotech focused pub quiz tonight. Won single handed. With the bonus that apparently a group of local biotech students were getting cocky about it.


after a busy and stressful six weeks, I beat growth projections, despite many technical difficulties, and quite solidly. my staff have lost the bet and will be wearing a perm for the month of October, sales manager included.

I’m still actively seeking other opportunities. But I’m glad that I have not lost the magic spark.


MY FRIENDS ARE ROCKSTARS WHO GIVE ME VICTORY!!! (and they know who they are!)

I’m paying off my ticket today, thanks to the above. I’m getting a car today, thanks to the above. This car:

State Farm has forgiven my accident, so my insurance rate has gone DOWN from when I had the 2005 PT Cruiser. Thanks to technology, even though my printer doesn’t work so I can’t print out my certificate of insurance, but…okay, get this…I CAN ACCESS MY EMAIL FROM MY PHONE!!! Isn’t that a marvy thing?

My musical partner is doing this for me. As you may or mayn’t know, we were once a serious, romantic couple; now, we’re just good friends.


So how tall are you now? And will your staff be taller once they get their perms?


Gosh, me in something SPORTY! The last two-door car I had was a 1995 Ford Aspire:

This one actually looks like it could’ve been the one I owned; I bought it off the lot in September 1995 and sold it in the summer of 2006.


His um, other ex-gf bought it for me. DON’T ASK. She can afford to be nice to people and she chose me after hearing my story, is what happened.

UPDATE: She’s also paying for me to get it inspected bumper-to-bumper, as well as insurance AND…today I went over a bump, carefully, but still - and the exhaust system got loud. SIGH. If it’s not one thing it’s another, like my dear ol’ mum used to say!


Manuscript submitted. :dragon:

And the kids ate the dinner I made :shell:


So glad you have wheels again. And people who care enough to get them for you. (hug)


Both are MAJOR victories.


Yeah…but then there’s this…71568630_10156575010298342_1464920096630636544_n
I got the car and drove it home on Monday evening. This happened Tuesday afternoon (no Moody Blues jokes, pls, lol) after I made a right turn over a bump or pothole. And I was careful, too. The disconnect in the exhaust system is rusted out, not just broken or disconnected. I’ve sent the photo to their FB page in a private message asking if they inspect the exhaust system before they sell a vehicle. Because that should’ve been glaringly apparent. I was too excited to inspect it myself before it was purchased, more’s the pity.

The lady who bought it is sending me funds for the repairs. I’m going to try and get the most work done for the least amount of money. But the place I go to, I’ve been going there for at least three cars now, so they know me and understand my position.

Addendum: This really sucks, I hope you-all realize that, lol.


Ugh. (Hug)