Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

The Google Translators Kit, (which like all things Google, is going byebye) provides an initial quote, based on word count.


Stoopid marketing. I swear sometimes I want to strangle marketing people.

Back in college, there was a advertising jingle for a bank on the radio that went something like ā€œsomething something do you find love in a bank? I found plenty in mine.ā€

Finding love in a bank??? :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

Well, decades later I finally saw a topper ā€“ an ad on a bus that said:

ā€œRevered. Passion. blah de blah some bankā€ Barf.

Right down there with Mr. Whipple masturbating with Charmin ā€œbath tissueā€ (itā€™s toilet paper, folks, not something you dry off after a bath, though theyā€™d love it if you wasted it that way).


You leave Mr. Whipple out of this!



How dare you etc.


It is said the sun will burn out in 4.6 billion years. They will finish construction on I-35 in the dark.

Fuck Austin Traffic.

At one point the GPS gave me so many ā€œRoute Recalculationā€ chimes, I thought the next thing it would say would be, ā€œYeah, nah, mate. Your guess is as good as mine.ā€

Edit - even the airport had road construction.


Fuck Chicago Weather.

Flight cancelled. I grabbed the one that leaves in 8 hours instead of the option that would have me flying for 6 hours today.

Time for a beer.



BAD NEWS: I owe $165 for the ticket I got for my car accident in July (due 10/3/19), and $152 and some change to Comcast just to keep them from shutting down our service (due 9/30/19), and $121 and change for the water bill (although I can pay them less than that but not below a certain amount to avoid shut-off plus theyā€™ve not sent me a shut-off notice, but I want to avoid that, and itā€™s due 9/30/19).

GOOD NEWS: A friend stopped by with $200 for me (and some cannabis he grew).

EXPLANATION: Before he gave me that money, I was going to go to Comcast on Monday, the due date, and FINALLY report that my mom died as the service is in her name. I just never got around to following the procedure to do so; itā€™s not just a matter of going in and editing oneā€™s account on oneā€™s own. I was going to take back the cable box from downstairs, and bring my momā€™s death certificate with me to change the account to be mine; I was hoping maybe they could wipe out the $314 I owe them and start over with just poor-peopleā€™s internet ($9.95/month, allegedly, but you have to fit their requirements - which I do). But the unexpected gift changes things.

Itā€™s like a story problem ONLY ITā€™S REAL, and instead of getting a good grade for the correct solution, there is no solution that is correct enough to cover all the bases.



And now my flight is tomorrow at Noon Thirty.

What a waste of a day.

Just waiting on the hotel shuttleā€¦


If it were me, Iā€™d still try to get them to delete your momā€™s past due amount. Every bit helps.


I just paid the past due amount to stave them off - and to reduce the total, natch - until I can get there NOT on a Monday morning, lol.


After one week we are already up to iOS 13.2. And it still sucks.


Lovely. Iā€™m glad to know every software company has let their QA depts go.


Iā€™m fired? Oh wait, you mean the non-customer QA?


Good fucking God. My daughter gets so tired that she wonā€™t sleep, then wanders the halls whining and inventing excuses to be up. Since itā€™s illegal to put a kid in a straight jacket or ties them to a bed, thereā€™s nothing I can do but put her back again and again as she repeatedly wakes her brother.

And now she wonā€™t want to get up in the morning and Iā€™ll have to wrestle her into clothes to get her to school on time. I love being a mother. But it is very, very hard to enjoy my daughter.

Fuck tomorrow, I guess.


We are now up to iOS 13.1.2, and it almost works.


Today my BMI is 24.8

Itā€™s hard to turn an obsession on and off


This was my daughter. She inherited my light sleeping. I invented some night time routines that helped her and wore me out.

Now sheā€™s worked hard on her sleep maintenance and sleeps with a sound app and headphones because college.


Weā€™ve been asked to take responsibility for a program that used to belong to another group. For the most part, this isnā€™t an issue; the actual conversion of the program to our use has been fairly simple.

The problems I have been running into have been as Iā€™ve tried to test the program in the various lower environments, to make sure it will work when we put it into Production. And, more and more, itā€™s become plain that the group who developed this program hasnā€™t been testing their program, at all, at any time in the recent past. The connections which are supposed to allow this program to work in lower environments donā€™t exist.

This isnā€™t a conversion-related problem: weā€™re using the same servers, the same transactions, the same program names as the old group. Weā€™re attaching exactly where they would have been attaching, in exactly the same way, and finding that the functionality that this program is supposed to use doesnā€™t exist at that attachment point. Theoretically, it does, but any testing would reveal that no, that functionality doesnā€™t actually work.

Generally, if nothing has changed, Iā€™m fine with glossing over some testing. Insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result, after all. But, if youā€™re transferring something over to another group, and theyā€™re going to have to test it in various environments, it would be nice if you at least make sure that itā€™s working properly in those environments before the conversion.



It looks like Iā€™m going to have to go back to my job as a telephone interviewer. The HR manager sent me an email last week to see how I was doing.

Iā€™m still looking for another job, closer to home. Iā€™m hoping I can get on the day shift, though, going back to the old job, as I donā€™t feel like driving at night in the wintertime. I also donā€™t want to deal with the workers on the night shift. I got tired of over-30 adults not being able to comply with instructions from other over-30 adults.

ADDENDUM: Looks like Iā€™m gonna have to take nights then transition to days. Okay, itā€™s not winter yet, so I can deal with that. I hope I make it to days before November (thatā€™s when winter starts in MI, fuck the almanac).