Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Expecting English to adhere to its own rules about anything is like going up to a rigged carnival game for your tenth try and expecting that this time they’ll play fair.

No one expects “romanticism” to be capitalized, for instance.

Yeah, the Vandals don’t deserve their reputation as destroyers.


Well, Gothic has… a lot… of words for destroy, befitting a language best known through Bible translation. frawardjan “to disfigure” might be a good choice.

Following Nicoletta Francovich Onesti, “Tracing the Language of the Vandals,” we can reconstruct:

Vandalic *fraguardian

But of course the meaning might diverge between languages, and another word might be more common.


Also recommended: ordering groceries online and picking them up or having them delivered. Worth the small fee, especially at holidays.


Especially if you have one or two guests for a holiday or other large meal who have specific dietary needs. If you know that there will be two dishes they absolutely can eat, you don’t worry as much about the 5 others that might be iffy.


If you pick up meds, it’d really be helpful if you could find out what’s in them. I’m really getting sick of getting sick from allergies to who-knows-what, and since pharmacies switch suppliers, and suppliers switch formulations all the time, it’s hard to find anything safe.

I use but it doesn’t cover all the variations. Sometimes many suppliers make identical pills with different inactive potential allergens.


Sooo, yesterday I posted more stuff on FBM, and all of it - even tools! - got flagged as going against their policies. And no access to an appeal form; oh well, yes the FORM, but the fields weren’t accessible to fill in!

I have a feeling Lil Miss Spliffy just reported me for um, bringing her up to speed, as it were. I blocked her, then reposted one set of items I took down yesterday, also under a different category, but with the same photos. If IT gets reported, then I’ll know it’s not her…but it was just too coincidental.

OR…and this is also quite plausible, maybe even more so: FB is fucked up. And then, of course, there’s the popular and oft-accurate, “Why can’t it be both?”


I’m voting on both.

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UP-TO-THE-SECOND-UPDATE: No reports on me thus far. So I think it was her.


Relevant from Xeni:


I clicked on it and says page doesn’t exist…?

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Argh. Let me try again. Maybe that’s why it’s not oneboxing.

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I think that’s fixed. Thank you!


You’re welcome. I’m not getting the connection, though, between the article’s subject and FB Marketplace…please, enlighten me!


Just what you were saying about how having a hard time posting on FB.

Best as I can figure, it’s rotten all the way through now.


Oh, it’s been like that almost since its inception. But in my case - it was that one person.


Somewhere, someplace, I need some place to register my utter impotent but searing rage at the job application process in 2019. So I have like 12-15 years experience in software testing. I have technical and industry specific skills. Today I agreed to a phone screening for a job that pays less than 30k my previous salary, is located an hour away from me via toll road when it isn’t rush hour, and which I really intend to turn down because company reviews online are terrible (though it’s one of the only actual call backs I’ve gotten). I honestly only agreed to go this far with the process to test the waters since it’s been a long time since I had to apply for anything. After the screening I was asked to take a programming aptitude test. Oh dear, I thought sincerely, I hope I will be able to handle some programming related questions because realistically it’s been a long time since I actually did anything like that. HA! This “aptitude” test was about 70 percent questions about rotating objects and predicting their final orientation and several questions on compound interest. I only had a phone calculator on hand and didn’t want to click off of the app to “cheat” because each question had a ridiculously short timeline for answer. Not once was I able to calculate six or 10 months of compound interest before the time ran out with a phone calculator. I have no idea if my spacial reasoning responses were accurate but I fail to see how the everloving fuck that tests my knowledge of Java, C+, SQL, ERP software, or fucking ANYTHING really. Not one question related to even basic programming concepts, not one question plumbed the depths of my SQL query-writing skills, not one question even required data analysis, reading a graph, drawing conclusions from a data set, or logic. I’m pretty sure I bombed it and honestly I want them to tell me so that I can tell them that if they began fucking off for three hours and during that time traveled 3/5 of the total fuck-off distance before slowing down to 30 km per hour for the final hour of fucking off could they please then tell me what their original rate of fucking off should be before they kindly proceed to FUCK OFF. What a godawful degrading humiliating load of horseshit.

Yes this is a petty thing to be angry about in a world of horror and misery but there’s just something about the whole concept that just fills me with indignant rage. OTOH I guess I should count it as good practice for the GRE, because I think I’d like to go back to school for music and lord knows there’s a standardized test to be enjoyed for that too! GRE questions are legitimately better written at least though TBH.


It’s pretty bad on the other side too. I was pretty sure my boss was going to have a heart attack today when our HR person casually replied “Oh, you’re still looking for a devops person? I thought the merger put paid to that.” Not like we got a lot of applications for the position in the first place (after almost year doing this stuff I feel like I barely have a basic understanding of why “friends don’t let friends do devops”… the insanity runs deep indeed).


The manipulating objects thing sounds like some IQ tests I’ve seen. Weird to do it over the phone.

(And weird to include it in the interview unless you’re going to be QAing CAD software or something.)

The compound interest thing sounds like they want to test math ability but don’t know how. Especially since, as you mentioned, people generally use calculators for those things these days. And no-one outside of banking has compound interest formulas memorised, which means they’re not testing what they think they’re testing.

If it makes you feel any better, I once had an interview where I had to explain how a vending machine works as if to someone who had already bought one of the things but didn’t know how they worked. The explanation was that the person running the vending machine was in the Middle East and hadn’t seen one before.

And then I had to present how to sell bedsheet sets, on the fly, at different pricing tiers, and explain whether it was better to sell a few at a higher price or lots at a lower price.

That was for a software job too, which didn’t actually involve any retail of physical goods.


Honestly, not even then (former banker here).

Which makes me wonder if it was a way to weed OUT older applicants, who still do things the old way?

Great, casual racism as part of the interviewing process.


That would make sense. But this is for some one to lead planning for a QA team testing Salesforce CRM, something I’ve specifically done for about 6 years now. There are, in fact, aptitude tests for Salesforce, which I’d absolutely understand being asked to take. Since this role involved automation I was totally expecting something like that and/or something that required one to demonstrate automation aptitude. It’s been about five years since I actually had to write any automation so I was actually a little nervous but hopeful that I’d have retained at least enough of the basics. I’ve been required to take an aptitude test for Excel in the past and did very well on that, not that anyone really highlights Excel in their resume so much. In that case, the questions legitimately required advanced understanding of Excel functions and were directly relevant. Honestly, I’m just partially irritated because it’s just so clearly another example of a shady shit-peddling testing company selling its product to hiring managers and driving down the quality of the workforce as a result. Why would they skew their resources towards mechanical engineers for a role where those aptitudes will, specifically, not apply? How many bored disgruntled employees who don’t like what they do are they hoping to get? Eh… from their reviews on Glassdoor they’re aiming for 100%. Meh… sour grapes (well not yet, I haven’t even heard back from them) but I’m already salty about it.

I’m seriously wondering at this point just how bad it really is to cash in retirement savings and plan to die early. One of the benefits of being childless at least. I could spend the next ten or fifteen years making art and music, avoiding medical care beyond ensuring I keep getting a supply of synthroid to replace my missing thyroid (no insurance now anyway), and enjoying life until the point where my health fails for good… and that’s actually sounding like a better life plan right now. Is that the depression? Or is that just a rational look at life in the US? I don’t know anymore. It’s not like I dreamed of working QA in Corporate America until I was too old to function anymore, after all.

Midlife crisis. So fun.