Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Christ, that sounds awful and completely STUPID. Rotating objects? Uh, that’s pretty hard to do, mathematically. I’ve used CAD, self-taught for specific things and it would take a while to figure out how to do that way. We did it in second year engineering school using equations but I could not possibly do it now to save my life and how is that related to the position exactly??? And compound interest? It would take me an hour just to figure out how to work it on a calculator – I haven’t done that since public school!

This kind of thing proves the idiots in charge do not understand technology. You can’t just say to someone, for example, “find the determinant of this matrix” (which I think is an equivalent unrelated problem to the rotation thing) off the cuff. We were told to use crib sheets in exams; all the equations we could fit on an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet, both sides. Knowing how to use the equations, and having had recent practice was the key to passing. For all of these problems I would have to sit down and refresh my memory for quite a while before getting a correct answer. Alone, and without any stress from some idiot HR person. Technology isn’t about memorization!

Sounds indeed like this isn’t a company you want to work for! Best of luck in your job search (and/or life plans!).


Supposed to get below freezing for the first time tonight, and “Winds could gust as high as 44 mph” :cold_face:


This morning: “you should be able to note all your deliverables for the week in the team spreadsheet”

Also this morning: “ad hoc items should always be listed as sized extra small”

Last week: “you have 10% allocation on Project X.”

Also also this morning: got assigned a task for Project X which could take the rest of the afternoon, well over 10% (after counting meetings already scheduled for this week), and which is due end of day. The task is supposed to be done by Product, but they’re swamped.

Both I and the other person I’m supposed to work with on it have meetings this afternoon, since neither of us are 100% on the project.

I pleaded my teeth (about to get a filling done) and someone else stepped in, but holy fuck.

Oh, and also this is not the only project I have where requests with tight deadlines show up out of the blue and must be completed in hours or a few days. These are not extra small tasks.

And then I get told not to work evenings and weekends. That’s often the only time I can work.

The cognitive dissonance is enough to make one weep.


I’ll drink to that. I often do.

I know I need to delegate more, but I have so many things that are basically one-off and so there isn’t much value add in grabbing one of my people to say “this is how you do XZQ. Now, mind you the chance that we would ever do XZQ is near enough nil to make no odds so you will likely never get to do this.”

I try to just try to remember to run step recorder and save the files as something vaguely meaningful in Sharepoint. Not that they’ll ever be looked at.


Yeah, I’ve been offered a co-op minion, but by the time I explain to them what’s to be done and check they did it, I may as well do it myself. Also what I’m working on is often located in one physical file and can’t be broken up quickly & easily.

You know, if I didn’t know you were In the States I’d really wonder if we worked for the same company.


As someone who works for a boss that also needs to delegate more, I would ask you to consider the possibility that the value-add is not in one of your people knowing how to do XZQ, it’s in you being able to do more of the things that only you can do because of your position as boss.

Seriously, it doesn’t matter if XZQ is a one-off, or not, just hand it off and let 'em figure it out. Do that often enough, and you’ll have someone who’s value lies in being able to figure that shit out, rather than being specifically trained in X or Z or Q. And that, in turn, will give you more time to push their promotion through HR. :sunglasses:

ETA: this request may or may not be based on a true story in which my a boss forgot to send paperwork to HR for four months because busy reasons… (i.e. hope that didn’t sound too much like I was trying to tell you how to do your job :sweat_smile:)

After a certain point, they’re all effectively the same company. The suck is endemic. :grin:


Today we are already up to iOS 13.2. And it still has the same bugs it did when it came out a month ago.


The neighbors are having a big loud stupid drunken party

I don’t know them well enough to crash it, and it wouldn’t be worth the hangover anyway


My pocket computer (aka Mobile Phone) has decided it has no camera hardware.

It had all the hallmarks of being software related so I finally broke down and did a factory reset.

Yeah, nah, mate.

So my less than 2 year old mobile no longer has a camera…which is one of the reasons I bought it. Physically it is in great shape and otherwise it works fine.

I don’t want to replace a phone right now!!!


I don’t have your quals, but then I’m not in your line, and I gotta tell you: Brother, I KNOW, all too well, where you are coming from!


If you are an office drone, it’s a must. Because someone has to do reports of some sort in Excel in an office, it seems.

In 8-point Arial. On 11" x 17" paper. For magazine subscriptions, with at least ten columns; number of rows depended on number of subscribers.



I interviewed at this place back in March 2019 for the position of office dron…er, administrative assistant. I live 3 miles away. I’m competent. They didn’t hire me. I have an interview w/them today. And the boss is a POTUS supporter.

I wonder how he feels about the POTUS now? LOTS has happened since then, hasn’t it?


I’m back. They remembered me. Turns out, someone who’d had the position before March came back, and then left; then last week, a girl they hired called in twice during her first week, so she got canned.

The boss was concerned about me not working at a few places more than a year; he wants someone to stick around, and I gave him the valid reasons for why my work history was so. But on the way home, I thought about what they’d told me about the two previous employees - lol, I mean, really.

I’d have to start Wednesday, as there’s some local elections I want to vote on. THOSE, I think my vote impacts.


I joined Reddit in order to possibly get help off their Random Kindness board, but I answered a question:
“What is something about your country that would be considered weird (or whatever word it was) in other countries?”
My answer was, “The lack of socialized medicine.”

Can the person who asks the question take your points away? I noticed a “-1” on my activity on that question.

I suppose it’s in the FAQs but gosh, in FB you just get unfriended - this stays on your record. And Reddit never was something I thought would work out for me, lol.


Anyone subscribed to that subreddit can upvote or downvote your response. Also, replies are usually auto downvoted by bots on the more popular forums to normalize things.


Thank you.

But I still think my answer was valid - and true.


Oh, it totally is. I do get the impression from Twitter that there’s still a whole lot of misinformation and disinformation floating around on that topic though. It’s slowly seeping through, from Americans traveling and living abroad, and from Americans just talking to people who live in other places, either in person or online. And I think Michael Moore’s documentaries which looked at the topic helped (the one specifically looking at health care and Where to Invade Next).

But the message is still getting out.


I was watching an old Colbert from earlier this year - June, I think - and Wanda Sykes was his guest. Her wife is French, and she and the kids basically live there. I guess Wanda summers there, but anyhow, when he asked her…oh heck, I’ll just post the link, lol!
(SPOILER: Hilarious mention of baguettes [well, to me, anyhow]!)


Anyone can downvote, or upvote you on reddit. You don’t have to be subscribed to the subreddit.

I like it because I get a huge wide variety of opinions there, and sometimes even articulate responses that challenge my views and sometimes make me see angles or aspects of things that I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Or things that make me think, “oh I used to think that way but changed because of ___.” I might even concede that that other viewpoint is totally valid, or even, occasionally, I hadn’t considered that, I was wrong.

Of course, a simple downvote doesn’t tell you much of anything. You need a thick skin. But it gives me better insight into both myself and other people because it’s less of an echo chamber than the curated algorithmically-derived stuff on social media and also (no offense) hanging with the people who already have a lot of the same beliefs as me.


I deleted my account. At this point in my life, I don’t want to have to establish a “presence” or whatever on another social media account.