Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Good. Reddit is a cesspool. You don’t want to go there.


aww, i like reddit. but i guess it depends on which subs you frequent.


This. I don’t have a presence on reddit either, but I’ll wander in for an occasional AMA (Ask Me Anything) or find it in my search results when I’m trying to answer a question, and it’s been pretty useful. But stroll into the wrong community, and wow, it’s like a Twitter political comment thread-- nasty.

@Lucy_Gothro1, I get not wanting to deal with another social media platform… I’m at TOS, here, and Twitter, and that’s enough!


Me two and a half hours ago:

FUUUUUCCCCCKKK I can’t find my house keys! And I even remember putting them in my purse this morning! I must have had them on me, because you can’t get to my condo’s garage without them.

[Sits through hour-long meeting fretting]

[Checks car, café where I got breakfast, and reception to no avail]

[Double checks purse, which is small and doesn’t have a lot of pockets]

[Finds keys]

Me now:

I need to go home whimper


The gods blinded you to your keys for a reason.


And here it is for hours later and I’m still at work :thinking:


Me this morning: Where the fuck are my car keys?

searches all over, unloads and starts reloading the dishwasher to clear clutter, searches all over again, starts panicking that I will miss my 6AM meeting, finds keys in a place searched twice already, but now with no time to stop for caffeine, which I need, because it’s a 6 AM meeting.

Definitely treated myself to Indian food and cheesecake on the way home.


Oh, nah. I just make a new throwaway account every couple months. Seriously. :joy:

Me rushing out the door today, couldn’t find phone (which I’d just had in my hand minutes before). Turns out I had plugged it in to top up the battery before I left, but then forgot because I was rushing around, which made me waste 15 minutes looking for it while missing a call and message from the guy I was meeting to carpool with.


YOU, TOO? A great deal of the time I do that. Google has a phone finder…but only for Android phones. I’d wager Apple has a similar feature.


That’s how I am with TOP.

Just kidding.

Or am I?


The recent (?) vilification of baby boomers.

Seems to me the state of the world is mostly due to conservatives of any age, not due to all people of a certain age. Not to mention previous generations.

Some baby boomers have been haranguing for equality (income and social), ecological sanity, trust in the scientific method, etc., for decades. To put all of them into a bucket seems classist.


Ageist, maybe. But I think at worst it is a counter-insult on the level of cracker – it’s a reaction to the non-stop condemnation you see of millennials, who apparently every single newspaper can tell you are lazy, entitled, unambitious, addicted to avocado, and killing all the finer things in life from mayo to home ownership, and never mind that all the ladders the writers climbed have been pulled up behind them.

You can trust most people know it isn’t really a question of birth years; this sort of thread is very typical:


I’m of the so-called “Generation X,” and I’ve been bothered by Baby Boomers before it was cool.

And may I point out that the term Generation X was invented by the Boomers and intended to be an insult.


I’ve never used any of these terms other than baby boomer, mainly because I can never remember which is what, but also I think it’s a non-useful way to identify people. I mean, who cares when someone was born? Seems to me that character is more important, something one can modify. Changing one’s birthdate OTOH is impossible.


As a reflection of a shared zeitgeist of events and cultural changes that influence our lives, it’s less significant than local culture/class/environment, but easier to generalize about and a little more realistic than astrology. The boomers vs millenials thing has taken it off the rails though. Especially since most people don’t know history or current events well enough to have any idea which generation did what.


Got a new prescription for hydrocodone/acetominophen the other day. I can’t take NSAIDs, so use it for the rare moderate to severe pain (crohn’s, arthritis, minor surgery) that Tylenol alone doesn’t work for. Usually a prescription lasts a year. Except recently. I used to get 60 pills at once. Last year I got only 48. This last time was only 28. I thought I’d look at the trend. It doesn’t look good:

I predict that next time the pill count will be 0. I hate the fact that the “opiod crisis” in the US is making it so difficult to get pain meds. Some of us, in fact, aren’t addicted. I wish the politicians would realize that.


Which is why I keep a stash of all my unused pills from years before


I know you know this, but just because you are a person in my virtual neighbourhood and I like you: watch the storage environment and the due dates, eh?


I don’t know if you can find any meaning in this article-- there is of course, an undesirable slant-- but here’s a big database to explore.


What with everything so corporately commercialized, maybe we should do it this way, this being only one example: