Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'



I thought it had to do with this cult “classic” show character - seriously, I did:

Lt. Boomer from “Battlestar Galactica” - hey, it looks like someone just said “Okay, Boomer.” to him!
I encourage folks to share this, lol.


Or this one, pre-labeled even:





She makes a good point:


The portrayal of fashion and makeup ‘grinds my gears’ in general, for the blatant misogyny. This photo popped up in my newsfeed today, and is a perfect example:

Of all the models they could have used, and all the lipstick colors, and all the possible shapes to draw on an eyelid…they pick a color that makes her Asian skin look sallow and a shape that is exactly wrong for her eye type. It’s like they’re trying to make her look as ugly as possible.


Old age and treachery will beat out youth and vigor every time.


I fucking hate selling shit on the internet through local marketplaces for this very reason.

I mean sure it’s the best way to get rid of large amounts of things or niche stuff that’s a pain to ship, but fuck me if dealing with the the majority of people that respond to these ads aren’t a serious pain in the ass.

Between the people that try to negotiate a “firm” price, to those that give insulting lowball offers, to those that try to get something for free. It’s so incredibly frustrating.

Less so when you don’t need to sell and have more of a luxury of telling people to sod off, infinitely more so when you really need the money.


That sounds like a bullshit screening process.

It seems like more and more software testing is becoming an obsolete field as trendy garbage like DevOps, “dev testing”, and basing everything on telemetry rather than smart people that deeply understand how software is actually used (and perhaps more importantly misused) become the norm. It’s also probably why a lot of software sucks so much these days. Too much trying to meet KPIs and tick checkboxes rather than have quality software.

I’ve got a dev and test background, and every time I run across a stupid bug or user experience that just doesn’t make any damn sense my first thought is, “if only someone was actually testing this crap”.


This. Reddit can be a wondrous and magical place.

There’s some wonderful communities there for all kinds of weird and niche things. Take your favorite music group - chances are not only do they have a dedicated subreddit, but there’s probably a companion one for shitposting memes about that group.

It’s generally pretty easy to stay away from the shitty places and the shitty places don’t seem to often bleed into the good places. The shitty places are generally easy enough to identify and avoid. (Although some subreddits may be misleading in name a quick glance at the content will give you enough of an indicator to stay away.) In most subreddits, content that’s racist, sexist, and so on gets quickly downvoted into oblivion.

Things like reputation and such don’t really mean much of anything on Reddit. You don’t need to build up a presence. Just go somewhere and post, or lurk to your heart’s content. I’ve long stopped caring about karma (I mean it’s fun to see a post I worked hard on get a bunch of upvotes) but really it just doesn’t matter all that much.


You know, it would’ve seemed more sincere to me if these writers could have had their epiphany about being fair to different age groups during the decades of Talkin’ 'bout my generation, during the thousands of articles on how today’s youth are doing everything wrong, instead of all waiting until someone dared roll their eyes when they said “boomer”.

I mean, yes, there is some good point in there. There is a lot of bias and cruelty toward elderly people, along with just about anyone who has a disability, special needs, or is not-quite-average in their requirements. It would be wonderful if we genuinely tried to address that. But at the same time, let’s not pretend that boomers are somehow facing systematic discrimination. Because this?

And yet one wonders if the public would be quite so amused by a logo that said: “OK Jews, have a terrible day.”

I think this needs to be called out as disingenuous and offensive. Most governments and businesses have people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies running everything. And yes, I know it’s not all boomers, but still, that means our society is built around their interests more than anyone else. Whereas the reason such things are so awful to say about Jews is because they are marginalized, to the point where they are currently being physically threatened by those who cultivate such attitudes, and it’s just not the same thing.

I mean, we’ve all seen this argument before, right? Where you see some broad complaint about a privileged group, but substitute women for men, or blacks for cops, or gays for racists, and suddenly oh my god it turns this is a such a terrible thing being said and how could they. Rather than countering the existing bias, it pretends there’s no difference and turns into a rhetorical device against those who would. How about no.


If only it were only directed at boomers. At least then it would make some sense.

I’m not even 50 and, like many Gen X women, I’ve had to deal with managers insinuating I’m too old since my mid to late 30s. Ironically, they’re often the same age or older than I am, but they’ve read articles about how millennials will save us all, so.

Then there’s the ageism which is thrilled when Keanu Reeves dates a woman less than 15 years his junior, as opposed to the usual 20-25.

Then there’s the whole concept that vaginas can be “busted”, and the ongoing horror about sagging breasts the article mentions. What’s worse is these judgements are often declared in situations where they’re absolutely inappropriate, like the office or just when a woman is walking down the street.

And I’m sure there’s lots of crap men go through starting in their mid-30s, but someone with more expertise in that area will have to list them out.


I like it, though it needs a bit more more accessorization for a proper cyberpunk or cybergoth look. At the least it should either match or contrast the shirt. A couple of matching hair extensions, lipstick, and a contrasting choker would add to it. We’re less than 2 months away from the setting of Cyberpunk 2020, why not dress for it?


I’m not far beyond that, so it’s a short list, but the first thing I thought of when I read your sentence is: In your 20s and even early 30s, you can be the life of the party and well-liked at the club, but somewhere in the mid-30s you somehow become the ‘creepy old guy’. They don’t even send you a notice in the mail. You just stop getting invites to things and then one day you look around and notice that all the people you used to hang out with are gone and the people there now are giving you weird looks.

On the business side, especially if you happen to be in an industry full of tech-bro companies, there’s the barely-disguised age discrimination of ‘cultural fit’. Have family obligations or physical/health conditions that keep you from wanting to work late into the night, then go out for drinks, and spend your days off whitewater rafting and rock climbing with your coworkers? You’re not a cultural fit. They want ambitious young people, not people who’ve reached a point where they’ve learned that a proper work-life balance is a good thing.

I think men generally do have it easier than women, though. There’s a stereotype of men improving and becoming more respectable as they mature and become financially stable, gain experience, etc. I think women still get the opposite of that.


My primary care physician wants me to see a nutritionist and possibly an allergist. The Medicaid provider’s website listed 1 nutritionist. My case manager listed 2 allergists. Adding their websites, I’ve found 5 phone numbers for these 3 doctors. And every one is a wrong number.


Bitches like this, who ruin it for folks who genuinely want to enter public service:


Yeah well, Jason Kushner has security clearance, so.