Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Search engines seem to be moving from the old standard of “ignore search terms,” to a new standard of “pay attention to search terms, so we can find results which exclude everything the mark has included, and include everything the mark has excluded from their search.”


Yes. My Google-fu used to be amazing. I could find anything by choosing the right words and phrases to include and exclude.

Now, not so much, as it tries to search based on what it thinks I want, and not based on what I clearly and unambiguously told it I want.


There is still an advanced search:


Basic search treats -“excluded term” as “excluded term”.

Advanced search treats -“excluded term” as -excluded -term.


I’ve noticed that both Google and Yahoo’s image searches are throwing up a lot of pics that have nothing to do with what I’m looking for lately. Someone at TOS suggested DuckDuckGo. I haven’t done a lot with it yet, but so far it’s much more accurate.


But even in advanced search, putting in something like snail flower epistemology for all these words still offers three hits without one that actually has all those words. Trying again with quotes works in that case, but it is not obvious to me if that trick would always work or not, and of course means requiring snail over snails just to get it to listen.

My experience is the same: google gives you what it thinks you should want over what you asked for. I know I find myself clicking search instead for daily, because it assumes I’d misspell words before I’d look for less common ones. And sure, the former case might be more common, but it’s also the one you can learn to avoid.


Remember back to Thanksgiving (U.S) and I had a Fuck Today post.

I thought for sure I’d made mention in December of the repairs where a trench the depth of my front yard was dug 12’ deep, but I don’t see that.

Well, when a 12’ ditch is dug for the purposes of replacing your sewer pipe, when the dirt is replaced, they don’t tamp it down, lest they break the pipe they just installed.

Well winter came and appeears to be leaving and now what was a mound of dirt is becoming a sinkhole.

Oh? Did I forget to mention my front sidewalk was in the path of the trench?

So I have just now built a “bridge” of 2x6s to allow one to cross from the driveway to the house without sinking knee deep into the quagmire of mud and gravel that had been my “Winter Walkway”

On the positive side, if I get a winch and some additional blocking, I can have a drawbridge.


Make a drawbridge! Your postie will love it.


I know that you really don’t want it, but my mind keeps going back to, “Your place has a moat?! Cool!”


What grinds my gears:

People who try to hold the closing train doors on Bart, despite all the signage not to; not only is it dangerous, but it can cause the got damn train to malfunction, creating needless delays.


Do it! Doooo iiiiiiiiittt!


“There are hundreds of people on this train, and thousands more at the next several stops, but none are as important as meeeeeee!” /s

ETA: poster idea – You’re Not Superman. You Can’t Stop a Train.


Ok, the plea for replacing my Cellulo Asado with Una Computadora is up.
I’m on my knees…


Flashy at the end, but good response to movie metallurgy:


You’d think that would be the kind of detail they’d get right; after all, film studios have entire departments dedicated to casting.


Lindybeige is a gift to YouTube (loooove his video about what swords and knives really sound like coming out of a scabbard), but LOTR and GoT (and Conan, and and and) are fantasy stories which have precious little to do with actual history or technology, medieval or otherwise.

Anyone who says “that’s how out was back then” in relation to GoT or any other fantasy story deserves to be laughed at.

Me, I go Lindybeige-level apoplectic over costume anachronisms. Usually over crocheted items in non-fantasy films set CENTURIES before crochet was invented (18c). Or “peasants” wearing items which are considered lower-class now but would have been for the upper classes in the temporal seeing of the film. Or people wearing stuff that was virtually unknown in that part of the world during the temporal setting (lookin’ at you and your chunky knits in the 18th century, Outlander).


And maybe, if you’re making a mithril sword, casting is the best option, but, fantasy setting or not, casting one side and not the other isn’t a good option.


I’m at the clinic, waiting for my test results. Of course the only remotely accessible space, for me, with my disabilities, is the stairs. And the security comes around and kicks me out of the stairs. I’m supposed to wait in the official waiting areas, with the migraine-inducing pain-screens, and the migraine-inducing pain-chimes for the elevators, and the eye-burning and throat-burning cleaning fluid fumes.


Roped into another all day “Design Session” where my input is in no way needed. It is supposed to be the entire week, but other than Monday, my presence is “optional”

I. Do. Not. Wish. To. Engage. In. This. Discussion.

My opinions on this phase of the project are neither unique nor required.