All the more for me. Although I’m really indifferent to oysters. Mussels and scallops are my favourite bivalves.
Fun fact: Mussels are about the cheapest seafood going. A couple of bags of mussels, a loaf of no-knead bread (, a big salad, and you can feed a crowd for pocket change.
edit: In the spirit of the thread, feel free to complain if derailers grind your gears.
I went looking for a glug-glug-glug (drinking) image, but evidently many people don’t understand the difference between it and glub-glub-glub (drowning).
Fucking LinkedIn. As a Rolodex of former colleagues, it’s pretty good. And of course it’s a good way to contact/be discovered by recruiters.
Everything else is fucking annoying.
I just got a notice from them: “You are missing a trending skill: Release Management. Add to resume.” Well everywhere I’ve worked doesn’t let BSAs do the release management, so it’s not a skill I have, eh?
That message is typical of LI’s tone, too. All these imperative tenses: add to network, import contacts, allow LI to… Like what the hell? Every fucking notification is some invented reason to make me access the app so they can boss me around.
I’d love to quit, but as things are that’ll have to wait until I retire. Fuck.
I just had a request from a former co-worker who had retired from the company 5 years ago.
I mean…
Why are you still on Linkedin. You’re retired.
While, yes, we were both reported to the same manager for a time, we rarely worked together and while polite, I don’t think I ever thought much of your skillset and everyone knew you were counting down days to retirement. (He had landed in his IT Support role after having been a EE and one of many downsizings left him in that role when the music stopped)
I accepted the request out of politeness, but really, why?
I think it’s LinkedIn doing a Facebook-ish kind of thing. When I tried to be active on LI, it would send me requests all the time. I would check in with those people, who I knew outside of LI’s little microcosm, and they’d say no, they did not send a request. For a couple of years, it was constantly sending me requests from my own father.
I have two family members who didn’t join LI until after they retired.
Bonus: one of them listed himself as a “professional” without stipulating what he was professional in. He has three degrees, but in the thirty years I’ve known him had mostly done menial jobs (janitor, delivery truck driver). There’s nothing wrong with having those jobs – my dad was going to apply to be a school janitor right before he died, and we were excited because it was a union job – but one of the reasons this relative gets these jobs is because he’s constantly getting sacked. And the main reason he’s constantly getting sacked is because he thinks he’s too good to do the work, so then he only does a little and thinks he’s pulling the wool over his boss’ eyes, but of course eventually they notice and then he gets his notice.