Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Anyone familiar enough with the books in question should know why.


In science Twitter, thereā€™s this thing where people will be like ā€œI barely follow any women! Tell me some women scientists!ā€ And then I get tagged in.

With a bunch of female personnel from the lab of a man who assaulted me, and allowed his staff to harass me.

Every notification I get is a reminder, and muting is often buggy. Ugh. Donā€™t put peopleā€™s handle in big threads of people without checking if itā€™s OK first!


Not to mention that of you want to follow women scientists, just freaking Google. Donā€™t make other tweeps do the work for you.

Sorry you keep getting pulled in like that.


Between that and snitch-tagging, thereā€™s a reason my account is private.


Itā€™s a minor annoyance, butā€¦ after not having logged in for a while, I go to my library website to see if I can check out an ebook. They donā€™t have it (typical.) When I try to Recommend it for purchase, the site says I need to sign in again. Okay, itā€™s been a few months, maybe the cookie expired or got cleared from the cache. Then the site tells me thereā€™s a problem with my card and I need to contact my library.

On Sunday???


Itā€™s not the phone, the Kindle does the same thing. I havenā€™t checked out any physical items in over a year, so I canā€™t be overdue. I thought library cards didnā€™t expire?


In the Toronto system cards donā€™t really expire, but must be renewed annually. Itā€™s a matter of going to the library and showing the card and some ID (no charge). I suppose itā€™s to make sure the card is still in the possession of the registered user.

If you visit the library regularly you barely notice, but like you I go there less and less these days.


my local library apparently has cards that expire every three years ā€“ i only know because i just got a notice about it. the great thing is, i just needed to call in to renew it, and the woman who helped me was super sweet and helpful. gotta love librarians.


Eek. My card needs to be renewed by the start of December. Iā€™d forgotten all about it.

I am so grateful you mentioned this.


Yup, apparently our cards go two years and need renewal. I was able to do it over the phone with another sweet librarianā€™s help. Yay libraries!

Edited to add: now that I think about it, my cardā€™s over two years old. Maybe itā€™s the Overdrive account that needed authorization? Doesnā€™t matter, since it works now. :grin:


Flickr. They just propositioned me.

And I feel dirty.

Iā€™ve been putting my pictures there since circa 2004 and now they seriously expect Iā€™m going to pay them? Why would they assume that?

Despite the genius of my photography, I never received the overwhelming approbation that I so richly deserved. To me, Flickr was like a photo album. It holds a record of where I have been, the cameras I used and the mood I was in. Thatā€™s all, really.

So, take one last long deep dive into my last 14 years.


These are really good! It would be a shame to lose all these.


Thank you.


There is a Groundhog Day musical.

It has finished its Broadway run, and its national tour was cancelled.

There is therefore no way for me to watch the Groundhog Day musical.


Must add that to list of things to do in the statesā€¦


Iā€™m trying to find out about Medicaid accessibility.

In order to get any answers about about whether Medicaid is accessible, I have to complete my application.

In order to complete my application, I have to create an account on the appropriate web site. In order to create an account on the appropriate web site, I have to provide a contact phone number. If I have any problems, such as not being able to use phones, I have to call a certain phone number.

Okay, thereā€™s another state web site that may helpā€¦ gets punched with pain/animation on the front page. Only contact is a phone number.

Okay, thereā€™s an email if I try to apply by email. Maybe they can help me apply. Gets a response email asking me for my case number and contact phone number. So I guess they canā€™t help me apply.


Okay, this is getting past grinds-my-gears level.

Does anyone know a way to get through this kind of bureaucracy?


The traditional way is to hire a lawyer, but not everyone can afford that. Iā€™d call it a bug of the system, but, of course, itā€™s an intended feature.

Short of lawyering upā€¦ find an organization in your area, who focus on helping people with disabilities, and ask them for help?


Iā€™ve got 2 leads right nowā€“

Iā€™ve contacted the Disability Law Service of Virginia, and Iā€™ve found another government email and contacted them.

P.S. latter email bounced.


What is it about driving a car that turns people into such shitheads? Awhile ago I had the pleasure of merging safely onto a highway, only to be honked at by an asshole who proceeded to tailgate me with his brights on for a mile or so till I exited the highway. He exited too, which made me think ā€œok, itā€™s time to drive over to the police department,ā€ but fortunately the fucker went a different way.

Ok, he was probably a shithead to begin with.


Going on weeks now without a smooth nightā€™s sleep, just finished 3 days of nebulizer treatment (3x/day) and still waking up around 3 am to an asthmatic coughing fit each night.
Soā€¦I get sleepy around midday, because Iā€™m always so tired and fatigued these days, and no sooner than laying my head on the pillow, the guys across the street who have 1/3 of an acre of free space in their compound drag their rockola out to the street to crank it full blast and drink beer on the sidewalk. Because reasons I donā€™t understand.

I just want to move the fuck out of Tijuana so bad right now.