Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Boy, that’s me.


And hurt their feelings? Make them feel guilty? Part of me is, “I just can’t do that!”; then again, another part of me is like, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? WAKE THOSE BASTARDS UP!!!”


It works for those with power, connections, property, and other forms of capital, which is why it is called capitalism.

Until, having prevented action to stop global climate change, it kills them too.


As I saw someone post recently, it’s the difference between being broke and being poor. Someone well-off can go broke and bounce back, because they still have all of the stuff that being well-off has brought them. If someone who has no saved wealth to fall back on goes broke, the system will grind every cent out of them as they just try to survive.

So, yes, as @mindysan33 said, “other people do it” by starting off with wealth, and being lucky (or wealthy) enough to not run into money problems that deplete that wealth entirely.

Capitalism is no more than corporate feudalism: the aristocrats own companies now instead of lands, but that’s the extent of the difference. If you take “rich people own the companies, and they extract money for themselves that the work done by their serfs has earned” out of capitalism, it isn’t capitalism anymore.

Myself, as well. Maybe not third base, but I was certainly born rounding second, and I’ve definitely been the beneficiary of both inherited wealth and an in-demand industry.


Being a non-religious person who has a hard time keeping her mouth shut about having to live in a Judeo-Christian society…I feel funny about that. Really funny. Peculiar, actually.

I went to a Hope Center, and after proving with a piece of mail addressed to each person in our household to prove that everyone who lived in our household lived in our household, I waited to get food that was barely, if at all edible. While waiting, a plump, middle-aged Cauc lady volunteer got up and said we should all be in a prayer circle. “Awkard” doesn’t even enter into it. And I’ve gotten more anti-organized religion since then (Mom was still alive, so it was before 2016, maybe it was '14?)

I know not all places are like that. And Jewish Vocational Services SORT OF helped my son get a job…at Walmart, which he left due the emotional stress.


I can understand that… but I know it’s still hurtful when you’re struggling.


Like on Facebook?

Get the hell off Facebook. Like, now. That includes Instagram. You will be amazed how much of a difference it makes.

If you’re not quite willing to quit outright yet, at least find a browser extension for managing social media time and set it to kick you off for a few weeks.





My life before transition.

Fortunately, one’s assigned sex need not be a life sentence.


Having a sense of humor helps –


I’d second that. On my new phone I only have Messenger Lite so that I can still contact people. When on occasion I look at Facebook on the PC I regret it. It is not good - it encourages you to compare your day-to-day to other people’s carefully cultivated highlights.

I can totally identify with that. (Vimes’ theory of economics.) The system is set up to prevent you from saving and make you feel bad for failing to. That’s not a personal failing, it’s systemic.

I think most of us are just hanging on by the skin of our teeth. It’s typically two steps forward and three steps back, but some of us lucked out and got an extra step in somewhere while the capitalists weren’t looking. Even so, we’re thinking the same thing (how do other people do it?) while we desperately try to stay that one step ahead.

PM me if you want to talk.

If those thoughts get serious/immediate, get any voice to talk to (1-800-273-8255 is lifeline, but there are others). It may not fix anything, but just having someone there changes your own perspective a bit, which can be a big thing when you’re at a crisis point.

Another thing is to have someone for company, even if you just sit and watch cartoons together or something like that without talking or really interacting at all. Just having someone else present has a way of interrupting the mental circles/spirals.



My 30-year-old Aspy son lives with me; we have learned, lol, first-hand that familiarity does indeed breed contempt, but also empathy. Still, we have different tastes. It’s a weird dynamic, but isn’t everything?

I simply unfollowed her. I’ve known her for…gosh, since 1976/77? She really is sweet, but there’s something else there that makes me wonder about her. Everyone else, I have no real problems with. Plus, I have had mild success selling stuff on FB Marketplace. And my music page, Lucy & Steve, which I co-run with…Steve, can’t get rid of it even though I hardly do anything on it - because we hardly get any bookings any more.

My bro sent my $35 via Paypal, so things are taken care of until Friday. Plus, a friend of mine came over & shared some cannabis with me, which helped greatly with my anxiety and depression. And I had a good cry on my brother’s shoulder over the phone; as much as we don’t get along, we generally get along more often than not.

And life goes on…


Got sent a file to be converted into a test in an online learning system.
So I went and converted it- by hand, question by question.
Turns out, I was supposed to magically know that said file was actually five different tests that we supposed to be created separately.
Got sent a powerpoint presentation with ~100 slides.
Turns out, I was supposed to magically know that was actually five different presentations that needed to be cut apart into individual slide decks.
All of this, mind you, was/is due to be done in 36 hours from now. So that’s good.
And now I’m being asked about converting those slides into video (with audio narration- yet to be recorded, mind you) in that same time frame.

What. The. Fuck.


Are these people incompetent or what?



Narrated PowerPoint videos.

If there’s a worse way of conveying information to an audience, I haven’t come across it.


Shadow puppets and pyg latin used in conjunction maybe a close second.


Flannel board and no words with more than one syllable?


Are you intentionally insulting the best of all of the Robin Hood movies?


Narrated video of a narrated powerpoint video, with wonky sound, occasional construction noise, and a strobe effect because the camera recording the new video is out of sync with the tv playing the old one.

With auto-generated English subtitles.

With the sound dubbed over in Etruscan.