Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

You win.


Donā€™t say it if itā€™s not true.

I always live in hope that there is someone out there who can speak Etruscan.


Yeah, thatā€™d be worth it, but itā€™d still be a worse way of conveying any other information.


God damn thatā€¦ or those fucking assange threads at the other placeā€¦



Itā€™s getting to the point where I am avoiding all online social media ā€¦ I ditched facebook years ago, but now reddit and twitter, and even boingboing seem to to be triggering me in an unpleasant way. What I used to find fun and entertaining has started to become tedious and annoying. All of the ā€œTrump is a Chumpā€ stuff just doesnā€™t seem to cut it anymore. Itā€™s like everyone knows heā€™s a chump, and no one seems to care.


Acknowledging his chumpiness does nothing.


Itā€™s 2:00 AM, Iā€™m exhausted, my computer wonā€™t back up, and Iā€™m on edge because of some harrassment and dehumanization from one of Redditā€™s harassment subs.

Why do they even have harassment subs?

Iā€™m reminded of GalaxyQuestā€™s chompers.

P.S. Theyā€™re now telling me to kill myself, and even harassing me on the main help sub.


Reddit is dumb bullshit where people with nothing to say are rewarded with more ā€œpointsā€ than people who have shit to do during their day. End of story, no value there. Grind away if you must, but you wonā€™t even get any fake gold.



Coughy, sneezy, nose-runny, head-achey, sore-throaty, and just generally unpleasant colds.


So thereā€™s a highway that leads to my neighbourhood with a left-lane (ie: the passing lane) exit. I get into the left lane 2-3 km before the exit, because the traffic is always heavy, and go as fast as I dare, which is usually the 90km/h speed limit or slightly over. For people who know TO, Iā€™m talking about the DVP. Lots of hills, twists and turns, and today itā€™s pissing rain so thereā€™s a lot of water pooled. Plenty of opportunities to skid out.

So Iā€™m going slightly over the speed limit, having recovered from one skid already, and this doofus gets behind me and starts flashing his lights.

Nuh uh. Iā€™m going as fast as I feel safe in this weather, and weā€™re almost to the exit.

Flash flash.

No way.

So he passes me on the right and then brakes, so I have to brake too.

By the time I got to the exit (he continued on the highway) he was only 500m ahead of me. That is, he couldnā€™t have been going much faster than I was. Also the highway turns 90 degrees at that point and goes up a ramp to become elevated, so speeding is foolish even in the best conditions.

That wasnā€™t about driving rules, or even driving etiquette. That was just a stupid power play.

I hate stuff like that. So dangerous, and for what?


U.S. plates?


Making sure his penis was still attached?

Big SUV?


No, Ontario. Weā€™ve got plenty of our own assholes up here.


Bien sƻr.


I was getting off of a local freeway using the right-hand ā€œExit Onlyā€ exit (meaning thereā€™s not an entrance ramp immediately following the exit), and a big, four-wheel-drive pickup truck pulled in front of me off of the freeway because he didnā€™t want to wait in traffic either. It was my good fortune that I didnā€™t hit him or the embankment and that the vehicle behind me didnā€™t rear-end mine.

I drive at least forty-six miles round-trip to work; it takes me at least 50 minutes (no traffic) to get there at 5:00 p.m., and I leave at 10 pm on Mondays, 11 pm other weekday nights. I canā€™t take the drive any more. Itā€™s not even been a year. But at least once a week I nearly get killed by just being on the road.

THERE WERE DAYS, I HEARā€¦when oneā€™s workplace didnā€™t involve going through seven different zip codes (yep, I drive through Warren for my own and one more zip of that city; and Royal Oak, which has two zip codes).


HOWEVERā€¦I have an interview for a full-time receptionist/data entry job that isā€¦LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM MY HOUSE. Tomorrow morning. PLEASE do whatever you can in your way to get the Universe to get me that job, LOL!



Good luck!!~!


Classic Michigan driving:

  1. The exit only thing,
  2. The big pickup truck, and
  3. The guy driving it, who was either clueless, an asshole, or a clueless asshole.

Really? When were these days? My dad used to work out of Bensenville/ Oā€™Hare Airport because that was a major hub for his industry, but weā€™ve never lived within 30 miles of there at least. This is two changes of area code, and no telling how many zip codes. And anyone from LA would laugh at that and say ā€œthatā€™s cuteā€.

An aside: where Iā€™m living now, if the architecture and scenery changes from Point A to Point B, thatā€™s officially considered ā€œfarā€, even if itā€™s easily walkable. Weā€™re super duper NIMBY over here.


The new apartment complex Iā€™ve moved into is apparently in two different zip codes. Iā€™ve found this out because people have tried to send me stuff only to have it returned to sender. I was using the zip code for the main building in the complex, which is right next door but apparently in a completely different zip code :confused:

And I thought ZIP stood for Zone Improvement Plan


My dad worked for the Post Office; no matter where they put him, the office itself was never more than five miles away. My first ā€œrealā€ job was at a branch of the Detroit Public Library, which was about three-quarters of a mile away.

Only when you know what yours is, lol? Donā€™t get me started on the USPS, as Dad was a career-man there. Example: Weā€™d watch ā€œCheersā€ and my father would point out that Cliff Clavin would have his keys with him at the bar - a big no-no, mail carriers are to leave them at the office they work out of when they get off of work. And Dad himself did stop at the bars on E. Jefferson Ave. (one of THE main drags in Detroit, but you donā€™t hear as much about it) - but never to drink. 1. Against the rules; and, 2) his own father was an alcoholic.