Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Well, if noise intensifies to diner levels, or rapid beeping noises start, I’m likely to collapse due to pain and sensory scrambling respectively.

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Not the same as being an antagonistic jerk because the noise level is slightly above your preference


Whoever did that obviously didn’t have hyperacusis.

But I resent the idea that it’s unreasable to want to keep things “library quiet” = not incapactatingly loud.

I don’t have and haven’t been able to get adequate ear protection, I have to deal with a lot of noise bombardment such as the leafblowers this morning, and again, this afternoon, I sometimes get harassed for this, and I once had a doctor’s appointment cancelled, after arriving and after signing in, on the nominal grounds that I had missed my appintment while waiting there because I hadn’t signed in, and I can’t help think it was because I couldn’t hide my hyperacusis.



New thing to grind my gears… a student who was originally scheduled to present next week, but I had to change the presentation list around, which I then talked about IN class and had up on the system on the 12th (PLENTY OF TIME to note the change!!!), complaining about when she has to present.


Right? It’s not even like the guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked if we could keep it down a bit, he just stood up and shouted at my friend…

And that’s totally fair enough. If he’d asked us to keep it down, that’s one thing. We would have gladly done that, because you never know what people are dealing with and everyone should have access to public places.

I’ll also note that restaurants today are often built in a way that makes things much louder than they need to be - with high, open ceilings, meaning that the space is louder and that people talk louder to compensate, and pretty soon you got a run away train of loudness that even people without hearing problems are being impacted by. But this is an older building (used to be a movei theater, I think) and does have some higher ceilings, but it wasn’t built like newer, trendy restaurants are being designed.

He was just a rude old man.


Marja has already posted this in her own thread, but since it’s relevant here:


I don’t know where the rapid beeping sound came from, but it was hard to escape, and it’d start up again when I started walking again… I wonder if someone rigged a rapid beeping device to a motion detector.


Sounds like something I’d do to mess with people


I think they mispelled “Red Robin in an unimproved warehouse”.


Did you know there is no fly emoji?!

There is a mosquito but no fly. Why?


I suspect a car alarm, because those things tend towards fuckery.


Red Robin in an unimproved warehouse, but with a dollop of kewpie mayo for “asian influence”, and at three times the price.


Still breathing? Because I’ve not heard back, and today was the day I’d think I and anyone else who interviewed would’ve been notified of getting the job.

I’m still plugging away, though. I have another interview Monday morning at a recycling plant that’s not as close, but still better than 46-miles-a-night-at-least-3-nights-a-week.
Office work, natch. I wish I could do something from home.


Yeah, I had to exhale after an hour or two.


But we’re hoping for you!


I hate modals.


It’s especially problematic when you have to defeat the modals to report a bug such as not being able to defeat the modals.

P.S. I fixed these ones by adding the following to my user css:

.newmodal_background{display: none ! important }

It appears the background was loading in front of the modals.


I can’t read that at all. Why is the font so dim? It’s like I’m reading in the dark.


A lot of modals load a background to dim the rest of the page. It’s actually one of my migraine triggers and one of my chief issues with modals. For whatever reason, Steam was loading the background in front of the modal.


Who runs painmachines at midnight and why?

sounds like a chainsaw.


Being woken up at 8:00 AM on the fucking Saturday of a long fucking weekend because they’re replacing the carpet in the hallway with tiles. And they’ve piled some of the baseboards that got pulled up partly in front of my door.

It sucks because I can’t sleep in. It sucks for the guy doing the floor because he can’t get a day off on a long fucking weekend.

It also sucks because tile is noisy and I am at the T-intersection between the elevator/main stairs and the hallway running to the apartments on either side. Oh, yeah, and the laundry is right by the elevator, too.

Again, sometimes what people are investing in when they want to own rather than buy, is the ability to make choices. Of being able to decide that sound and draught proofing are important. Or that light control is important. Sure, you can’t stop your neighbour next door from firing up his lawnmower, but you can invest in solutions to mitigate the effects on you (provided you don’t buy into a super-strict strata building or neighborhood). You can fix your own goddamn sink instead of waiting for maintenance to get around to you and you don’t even have to schedule time off work just to fill out the bloody work order.