Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

This is exactly the sort of thing that if someone wrote it into a TV show or film, the audience would be rolling their eyes and muttering it was too part to be believed.

Someone needs to tell reality to stop being so on the nose.


How very . . . appropriate? Not that I want harm come to people, but itā€™s anti-vaxxers and scientologists are both so divorced from reality.


If there is a bright side to this, it might startle a few people back into sensibility.


When has reality ever influenced insensible people?


Looking on pubmed for info on why exercise worsens my symptoms, and how to stop my ongoing declineā€¦

Patients with CFS can benefit from an appropriate training program because no evidence suggests that physical exercise worsens symptoms.

ā€¦ The post-exertional agony is one of the distinguishing symptoms. The agony canā€™t be measured, but reduced stamina shows up in day 2 of 2-day exercise tests. If it were malingering, as the medical establishment insists, it would show up on day 1.


Have you ever played Pandemic?

They need a revised rule to add Antivaxxing to the difficulties the players face. the


Funny! No, Iā€™ve never played Pandemic, and actually, my board game (and RPG) experience are practically nil. Iā€™ve played Carcassonne twice and Before I Kill You Mr Bond a time or two, but thatā€™s about it.


I really do must find a new job.

On Wed., 4/24, I called in because Iā€™d hurt my ankle mowing the lawn. I rescheduled that shift to yesterday, 5/2. After the usual crappy drive to work, I get there and find out Iā€™m not on the schedule. Can you IH-magine someone dropping the ball on something like that in an office? Landsā€™ sakes!

Then, when I tell a team lead about that and they go to fix it, they tell me to go to their boss, who is a big loud lady who uses that fact to intimidate people. I mean, she is the classic archetype of an Amazon (not the Victorian version, cos they didnā€™t burn one of their breasts off). Anyhow, SHE tells me that the TL shouldā€™ve fixed it, and rather brusquely, too. So after a bunch of back-&-forth, I get to sign in - but NOOOOWWWW Iā€™m late because I didnā€™t sign in before 5 p.m.

Okfine, whatever. I finally get to work, and on my first call I make notes about his experience with the customer service line he called. I use easily-recognizable abbreviations because we were told on verbatims (thatā€™s what these notes are called) arenā€™t ā€œsupposed to be booksā€. Well, THAT turned out to be wrong. That call happened to be monitored and the TL who monitored it (the same one who had trouble getting me on the schedule) told me I wasnā€™t supposed to use abbreviations.

Folks, Iā€™ve been doing it that way almost since I started back in August 2018. It was too much for me, and I went to the bathroom to have a good cry. Doesnā€™t help my emotional/mental state that Iā€™ve not been eating enough. Finally, I decide I want to quit - but who do I talk to? None of this has been really made clear to me. The office manager - the big lady - and the HR lady happen to be in the break room. Iā€™m trying not to cry in the hallway when I ask which one I should speak to.

Turns out both, and I didnā€™t quit - but I did tell them how upsetting it was to find out Iā€™d been doing something wrong for over six months! And it fucking is. Pisses me the hell right off! Office mgr apologized and apologized - she really needs to take some interpersonal-skills training, but who has time, right? - said it wasnā€™t my fault, get that off your plate you got enough on it already etc.

Then I confess that I havenā€™t been able to afford to eat enough and to have enough gas to get to work.

I was so ashamed. Iā€™m still ashamed, typing about it. They both assured me not to be. Office mgr said she could get a gift card to me, and gave me the impression it would be that night. But it wasnā€™t. And unless I sell something today or Saturday, I wonā€™t be able to get to work due to not enough gas in the car.

MEANwhile, at home, my son gets money from his aunt - and busy action figures and video games. Heā€™s accused me recently of trying to make him feel guilty about not using his money to help around the house, specifically to buy gas. I told him I wasnā€™t - though you KNOW I could, but itā€™s wrong, so I donā€™t - and that it was on him if he was feeling guilty. Mind you, he does help out with groceries - but AFTER he buys an action figure or a game.

And I found a copy of ā€œAt Witā€™s Endā€ by Erma Bombeck in a box of paperbacks in the garage and thatā€™s my life right now.

ANNNNNDDDā€¦I canā€™t have my garage sale because Consumers Energy (natural gas) is doing work on my street, with trucks parked from the corner of 10 Mile down to my house. Just luvly, eh? LOL!


Oh yeah, the lady I spoke to when I called in she says, ā€œYouā€™re such a little thing, you shouldnā€™t be doing that!ā€ Okay, Iā€™m 5ā€™8 and about 121 lbs. But what the fuck? I think sheā€™s one of those ā€œhave a man do it for you, honeyā€ women, and it just makes me sick.


I sympathize. I wish your son would pull more weight in the house though. I know he has problems but why does he buy action figures before groceries? Does he pay rent?


Me too. Itā€™s become a real point of contention, and Iā€™ve basically given up. Donā€™t get me wrong - he doesnā€™t do nothing to help, just not as much as Iā€™d like. Also, his ADHD and depression donā€™t help. I mean, two depressives in one household - argh! Right now, what seems to work is if I leave a note in the same place every night that I go to work, with chores written on it. He has to read it, though, lolā€¦

Because it doesnā€™t occur to him to do so, Iā€™m guessing. His Aspy attachment to action figures has been going on since he was three years old. So I shouldā€™ve nipped it in the bud, I suppose? Too late to close the barn door now. Plus - heā€™s an adult. Heā€™s 30 years old. Iā€™m his mother, but I canā€™t act like a mom all the time with him.

No. I own the house. Heā€™s not working outside the home any more, as Walmart got to be just too much for him, emotionally (toy department - need I say more?) Iā€™ve tried and tried to get him to look online for another job, but I canā€™t hector him about it. No matter what his problems, heā€™s still a fairly intelligent human who is aware of those problems, and thereā€™s only so much I can do.

He made pancakes 80 percent by and for himself last night. This is a big deal. I helped, but he did most of it.


My mom would fight you on that point.


So would I, but itā€™s not healthy to do so, IMNSHO. Itā€™s a foolish point to fight over, anyhow.


Students who want to turn shit in on the DAY I have to upload final gradesā€¦


Automatic F.


I got so tripped up over scheduling as a student.

The most common problem was the ā€œnext wednesday,ā€ when they meant ā€œwednesday next week.ā€ Or they meant ā€œevery wednesday, start with wednesday next week.ā€ But I had no way to know they didnā€™t mean ā€œnext wednesday.ā€

But one problem was ā€œdue after xā€ when they meant ā€œdue the next day after x,ā€ and I thought they meant ā€œdue some time after x, weā€™ll announce exactly when later.ā€


Anything I can do to get an A? I have 73% and the final is tomorrow.


Probably is shit, too.


I so hate that construction. I wonder if other languages are saddled with that stupid ambiguity.

We once showed up at my cousinā€™s house for dinner the wrong Friday - the ā€œthisā€ versus ā€œnextā€ error. It was a good hour away. They were out playing golf! Fortunately a kind neighbor saw us looking puzzled and invited us in for a while (I guess we looked young and innocent ā€“ that was quite a while ago). My cousin and his wife eventually appeared and we went out to dinner.


Ughā€¦ @kxkvi is correct about the wording being crap.

I work really hard to make my expectations super clear and I tell students that if they are confused, they need to tell me so I can explain it to them. I always say what day it is due ON, instead of saying itā€™s due after x, which seems a convoluted way to phrase it, and designed to make students failā€¦ and few things piss me off more than profs who purposefully make their class designed to fail students. Thatā€™s not what weā€™re here to do - weā€™re here to share our knowledge and help students understand our field better. Anyone who is out to trip students up by doing such nonsense should not be teachingā€¦ of course, they probably all have tenure tracks, and Iā€™m about to be jobless, so maybe Iā€™m wrong!