Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Get a 100% on the final.

Assuming that the final is 2/3 of your grade.

Otherwise you’re fucked.


This should be the question. Oh, well, grades were more important to me at that age.


They have a hard time understanding scale. 88% seems like almost an A. But in a 700-point class, that’s missing a month of classes (we do a 2 point formative assessment each class). Or blowing off a homework. Or getting a D rather than a B on a test.

I do find it hard, though. Students often don’t know how to ask for help. Or decline offers for help. I want them to do well. But I can’t do it for them.

Edit: I often tell students that my classes aren’t easy, but they are easy to do well in. I have a lot of formative and checkpoint assignments. If you do what you ought to, you can at least pass.


So, the MI DHHS or the US DHHS decided to reload my bridge card on the 12th of April, leading me to believe they’d changed the reload date from the 19th fo the month to the 12th…

BUT OH NO - it’s the 19th. AND - at least it’s getting reloaded. But cheezenrice, y’know?


We shipped some cable equipment back to Verizon Fios last month. The guy at the UPS store said that I should wait and get a shipping receipt. “They’re notorious for claiming that they never received it.” So I did. I took a look at my most recent invoice, and the equipment is still on my account. According to the online rep, it can take up to 3 billing cycles to come off of my account. I asked him how Verizon would handle it if I took 3 billing cycles to pay my invoice.


I am fucking livid, and I need to come down before early tomorrow morning.

Last week we had co-op students start. I am acting manager for the one who has a junior role to mine.

He’s supposed to be working on a project with a group off other co-ops, but it hasn’t started yet. So in the meantime I’ve been finding him other things to do.

Except he hasn’t been doing them, because this consultant, who’s his product owner on the upcoming project, went ahead and gave him other work.

Without telling me or my manager.

So then the other project owners tell my manager there’s no work to do for at least a month. There is, but they’ve poached one of his own people – the co-op – from him. They’re using one of my manager’s people and then telling him there’s no work.

I only put this all together this morning when I ask my manager how I should report my activities and he assures me there’s no work on this project. That’s when I realise what state of shitshow we’re in.

The other project people were led to believe the consultant was the co-op’s functional manager, since she, you know, offered his services and everything.

So right after 5pm I get an email from the consultant saying she’s heard there was some “confusion”, and surely I wouldn’t deny a “youngster” (the co-op is 26 and has already run his own business) an opportunity to learn and collaborate? Surely we don’t have to bother them with silly matrix management stuff!

So I wrote her back reiterating that thanks to her actions, neither my manager nor I nor the co-op understood what was going on for a week, and that she had no authority to give him the work, and no, I don’t see that as collaborative.

Truth be told, if she’d gone to me or to my manager with the idea, I would have agreed. Instead, we were counting on the co-op to help us with other work – which I wound up doing all myself because he was doing this stuff.

And it impacts a report the executives see, and it impacts projects which have nothing to do with this because it affected people’s availability, and on.

What bugs me the most though it’s the lack of respect. She’s made contemptuous comments about our branding and how we do things before, and I’ve wondered if she didn’t respect me. Now I know, although weirdly it doesn’t feel personal.


H.R. Pufnstuf
Can’t do a little 'cause he can’t do enough

What does that even mean??


I assumed that entire show was one big drug reference


it’s clearly all about drugs. i just didn’t realize it until much, MUCH later.


Reality grinds my gears.


Just once, I’d like a remodeling project to have less work involved than I initially forecast.

The Deck.

The deck that was with the house when we bought it obviously had a bit of deferred maintenance as one may be wont to call it.

The framing is solid, but deck boards and some posts are a rotted past safety margins.

BUT, how the boards were put down, the size of the project and a couple of other mitigating factors, stripping off all the boards and laying new isn’t practical or affordable.

Too much to describe, but my partner had an excellent suggestion so I jumped on it.

Then I got to the steps going down to the lower deck.

Oy vey!

So now I’m replacing stringers and figuring how to make it all “work” without burning it all down and telling everyone it was a freak accident.


Have a chainsaw accident and spontaneous bonfire instead? Easier to explain to the fire department but more difficult to avoid a stay in the pokey.


Outside remodelling has been called on account of rain.

On to indoor tasks.

But the dogs are not happy they can’t get to the yard.



Oh, wait. You mean the project, not the deck.


I swear, this woman could sing at family gatherings but nowhere else should she be allowed to do so. And the only reason she’s been recorded is she’s an ex-groupie. I couldn’t force myself to sleep around like that when I was a teenager (and believe me, I could’ve had I really thought I’d succeed!) to get my way to the top; it JUST DIDN’T SEEM WORTH IT.

But she’s rich, and I’m not…


It sounds like they’re deliberately drowning her out with the horns.


And she’s been doing it for years! I DON’T GET IT?!!


I like a lot of singers who “can’t sing” and basically get by on attitude and energy, so I like to think I’m not a snob about it, but as with anything, there’s good bad and there’s bad bad.


There’s “Russell-Crowe-level can’t-sing” and then there’s “William-Hung-level can’t-sing.”


I need resources, without which I’m stuck in a holding pattern. When on a deadline.

I know all my code works and can be deployed … I just need to do it.


beer o’clock.