Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Wow, I sucked into that vortex for about an hour. Entertaining, in a horrifying sort of way.


Yeah, I have learned to keep my mouth shut when it comes to 2 things: typography on menus and on billboards. It annoys the shit out of me regularly, but no one around me cares, not even a little.


At least they are on the phone. Imagine trying to have that conversation in person, while trying to maintain a professional facial expression! I am not sure I could.


there’s a Freelance Freedom comic on that, too, but i couldn’t find it. i complain about typography on signs and menus a lot, and my husband is used to it, but i try not to do it TOO often. the thing that drives me even crazier is when i find typos on things, and that happens very very often. every time it happens, i want to go to the person who owns the place, point it out, and hand them my business card. i probably should – i’d probably have more business that way.


oh, i have! the process is the same for me. i frantically try to think of a way to convince them of something better. i’m not always successful. sometimes, you just gotta let the client have their way. not everything is going to be amazing, sigh.


New management for my apartment says office hours are 9:15 - 4:00 weekdays.

It is now 9:35 and the office is locked tight. This is not a one-off thing. Go to pay rent? No one in the office despite it being the first of th month and people will be showing up with payments. Need to report a problem? No one answers the phone or checks messages. But they are certainly on time with notices about new rules and restrictions. And FSM help us if we’re five minutes late on rent.


I worked in a copy and offset printing shop back in the 80s for a couple of years as a computer accountant. I think we’d worked our way through the 18th or 19th case of three-part ncr invoice paper before we realized that we were mailing “invioces” out to our customers, and had been for years.


I have been known to contact small companies to gently let them know when something like this happens. I know that when you’re small, you don’t want to accidentally do anything to stunt your business, and people are not likely to tell you that a typo in your bid or on your stationery, etc. is why they’ve decided not to go with you (if they don’t pay attention to the small details, can I trust their work?). Often small businesses are run by very competent people who did not necessarily get straight-As in English class.


At least by the time they got their ‘invioces’, they knew whether or not you had printed their work correctly!

(Murphry’s Law: typed “the” instead of “they”, because of course.)


The truth shall make *ye frep.


we have a local restaurant/diner that has been around since the 1950s, and it’s a local favorite. several years ago in celebration of their upcoming anniversary they made up a bunch of coffee mugs to sell. we bought one immediately, but then i noticed that it says “24 Hour Restraunt” on it in small type at the bottom. i thought, “jeez, how did NOBODY catch that? talk about an expensive mistake!”

they since have fixed it, and now that mug is one of my favorites, haha


I know someone who emigrated from the UK as a child. He said on the flight to Canada the airplane captain announced, “We are now passing over Lands’ End” and to his subjective perception, it felt like they were flying off the edge of the earth.


The latest version of the :apple::tv: (Apple TV) app mixes downloaded TV shows and movies together. Why would they do that?


I’ll go with subtle joke as opposed to typo


The major hospital where I once lived was breaking ground on a new addition.

Front and center of the rest of the campus. Used up most of the convenient parking spots.

Holes were dug.

Foundation Laid.

The big crane was erected.

A half dozen Pillars were installed.

Then things stopped.

Winter had set in so “maybe that was why” we reasoned. (Although it was Texas…)

Then the crane was removed.

Months went on and the pillars were taken down.

I finally learned that the wrong set of blueprints were signed off on

All told about 9 months went by before they started work on the new blueprints.


I wonder who will pay for that mistake. cough patients cough


It’s self-referential!


Tesseract updated itself and delated most languages. Fuck.

brew install tesseract --all languages has been deprecated

brew install tesseract --with all languages has been deprecated

brew install tesseract-lang provides selected languages…


Is Loki up to something again? :thinking: