The Nazification of America

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Warning: The situation in this story is fucked-the-hell-up; takes place in FL.

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Couple of suggestions:

  • you can cut off everything from the “?” to make the URL more readable and manageable;

  • WaPo is one of the media sites with a strong paywall, so posting an archive version underneath for those who otherwise wouldn’t have access is a good idea.

I go to (sometimes it reverts itself to a different 2-letter extension, which is fine…my example below went to .ph, in fact) and check to see if there’s already an archived copy, and if not, then I ask for the link to be archived.

Here it is for your story….

Short link:

Long link:


Thanks! I am so not-savvy about stuff like this, even though I’ve been using the internet since 1996, and ignorance is no excuse, is it, lol?

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Capitalist lackeys.

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“‘Rob,’ My Red Button is bigger, better, stronger, and is working (TRUTH!), yours does not! (per my conversation with Kim Jung Un, of North Korea, soon to become my friend!),” Mr Trump wrote.

Can you believe either one of these people think they can be president?


Well, now we know who all the top secret documents were for.

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'Stand with Trump' becomes a rallying cry as Republicans amplify attacks on the US justice system | AP News

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The guy likes Advanced Squad Leader, so I suppose I should hate it.


Ewwww, and he won the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award one year!

Seriously, he shoulda gone into wrestling - he’s got the look and the name.

Addendum: The Uniquely Confounding Career of Curt Schilling - The Ringer

The lack of self-awareness in folks like him is deafening.


Coward. He’s trying to goad a chump. I bet he owns guns.

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In a tweet Saturday, Kennedy said that the dinner conversation was supposed to be off the record and that he “never, ever suggested that the Covid-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews.” Rather, he said, he was referring to a study that “serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”

So… “I didn’t say what I’m recorded on video saying, and no one was supposed to hear about me saying it”

(And also, the study he refers to is from 2020, and doesn’t really hold up to the real world)