Na or Nat for national (and for not whatever else they claim to be).
It’s an issue with “national anarchists,” and nationalist “libertarians,” who want to end immigration and deport the queers, and so on. In this case not “democrat” is more obvious than nationalist orientation.
Strap rockets to the bottom of it, tell the rich people they’re there for evacuation in case of a slavepeasantproletariatBolshevikleft-wing revolt, and label it “Golgafrinchan Ark B.”
I have a suggestion. Instead of spending money on putting ninnies like this on trial, send them to the Greater Toronto Area for a week. Not downtown – too expensive. Put them in a nice budget hotel in Mississauga, and escort them to Square One Shopping Centre every day. Give them 50 bucks to cover meals and incidentals.
Get them to count how many languages they hear being spoken by the other patrons and staff.
Get them to ask passers-by how many languages they know.
Get them to research what “multilingual” means.
As for the “I was raped by Latinos” thing – yeah, well, people get raped by WASPs too.
The bible had a printout of a reddit meme picture of a fossilized trilobite with the legend “This is Terry, he is a trilobite. He is 400 million years old, he predates your religion, your god and all humanity. Pick up a different book”. The problem with this meme is that it doesn’t tell the story of the people that found the scientific evidence to date the trilobite. It’s a simple assertion of a taunt without even a reference to a truer story. With such a machine-like dad-joke it is refuted just as easily by the dad-joke machine that is the radical patriarchy.