The Nazification of America

I don’t think that’s possible, and especially not with just defacing his property with a few stickers. Going to the lengths needed to actually cause similar fear to him with the same methods would just encourage him to escalate further.

On the other hand, his business depends on complete strangers inviting him into their homes. Having it widely known that he’s the kind of absolute trash who thinks it’s all right to (and will go out of his way to) harass, stalk, and damage the property of complete strangers who haven’t even said anything to him, is going to cause a lot more heartache.


Yeah, part of the fear comes from all the murders.

It’s a lot easier for assholes to be “edgy” and really scare people when someone else uses the same slogans and symbols while being “edgy” and killing people.


Gwinnett GOP is running scared of the increased diversity and the increased power of the democratic party. The part of the county I live in is more democratic and more diverse now, and if that trend continues, it’s likely that the 7th district (which includes the northern part of the county, where I live I’m part of the 4th, which is already strongly democratic) will flip come the next election.


A photo of the back of Wood’s car with the “I Love Trump” stickers attached was posted to Facebook on Monday by a man identified as Tommy Dunaway. In addition to the one sticker that had been put on top of her Stacey Abrams sticker, the second one was put on top of a Black Lives Matter bumper sticker.

The post was still on his page as of Wednesday afternoon.

“I added some ‘I love Trump’ stickers to this (expletive) collection,” he said in the post.

As of Thursday afternoon, there has been no response to a message a Daily Post reporter left for the man from the Facebook post.

After the story of what happened to Wood began to spread Monday and Tuesday, the website and Facebook page for the company listed on the van was taken down and the business’ status was changed to “Permanently Closed” on Google.

Meanwhile, Wood said she called Lawrenceville police to the report the incident Monday and an officer came out to talk to her.

“(He) essentially said, ‘Oh gee, that’s too bad that it happened. Things are just really heated on both sides these days so, you know, have a nice day,’” Wood said.


Now, this is an opportunity.

Compile all of the far-right organizations that recent domestic right-wing murderers have been a part of, and amend the bill to add them, as well as “right-wing extremists.”

And then watch them squirm as they try to explain why the left and antifa are worthy of the “domestic terrorist” label, but the people actually killing people to enact a political agenda aren’t.


But the resolution is intended to criminalize a whole movement-- or just opposition-- as an organization.

That encourages amorphous conveniently-shifting definitions. An analogous move would not target specific organizations (who declare that they have nothing to do with their members’ murders) but broadly-defined movements: “pro-fascism,” “integral nationalism,” “anti-communism,” etc.


… and Stephen Miller thinks that the reason why Donald Trump insulting President Obama is okay and the four Congresswomen insulting President Trump is not, is because there’s a “fundamental distinction between people who think we need to lean into and strengthen America’s core values, whether it be our constitutional values, the rule of law, the principles of Western civilization, or people who think we basically think we need to turn America into Venezuela.”

Constitutional values? Like the right to privacy? The right to not undergo unwarranted searches and seizures without due process of law?
The rule of law? Like, actually needing to go before a court and prove charges before you impose consequences?
And then there’s the fact that Venezuela is a Western country, and Karl Marx a Western political philosopher.

So, yeah, it’s dog whistles all the way down. For Stephen Miller and his followers, “constitutional values” means “white men in charge, as the Founders intended.” “Rule of law” means “Do what the President says.” And “Western” means “White.”

…And I’m kind of weirded out that it was Fox News, of all media organizations, that challenged Miller on Trump’s tweets. What funhouse mirror did I step through this week?


Part of the fallout from ICE/CBP and other agencies ramping up deportation/refusal of travel is that Mexico is going to react, too.

Yesterday was the first time I was called out in three years over “you can’t rent an apartment in Mexico without residency”, because I’d accidentally left my visa at my apartment in TJ. No more just waving people through.
My visa is current, so luckily I’d already stated I’d only stay overnight and cleared up the “misunderstanding” that I was there to “look at an apartment” of my friend’s to rent.

A little shady, I know, but I’m current, it was late, and my cats hadn’t been fed since the morning.


I think we’re all going to have to be more vigilant about having ID on us for the foreseeable future, even when we’re not crossing borders.


Remember when “papers please” was a phrase right out of the red scare? How things change.


TBH, my grandparents never really relaxed on this point after WWII when their respective countries were liberated. They were always total freaks about having everything in order for border crossings, and just in general.

It’s definitely rubbed off on their kids and grandkids, but I really miss when it was something for my friends to tease me about.


I bet having to deal directly with that type of shit would affect one’s perception of preparedness.


I’d watch that, but I’m listening to Dvorak at the Proms and I don’t want to spool the good vibes.