The Pets Thread

coughyellow Labcough As a former Golden Retriever and Lab cross owner, they are completely unrelated breeds.

Sadly, even guide dogs are not infallible; a woman in my neighbourhood who has a guide dog, tripped and fell over the footing of a safety fence which was sticking out over the sidewalk. The dog completely missed it, and she ended up with a couple of broken ribs.


Hilarious! A wee irreverent, but hey.


January 1, 2025 - A stray dog in Petea receives applause for being the first to cross the newly visa-free border between Hungary and Romania, as Romania joins the Schengen area.



So these two arrived in our house this week with my daughter. The void is Kraken and the not-quite siamese is Bailey

Kraken is a nosey explorer, whereas Bailey is undersized and quite timid. Bailey also has wonky elbows so he stands kinda bow-legged.


The manager.


Snow this week. Normally the Buck loves the snow, but this time it was too cold for him and he hung out near the carrier.

Eventually he just hopped back in to let us know he wanted to go home.


Aren’t you afraid it could just hop away? If he saw a hawk overhead he could just head for the trees.


He’s a good boy; he doesn’t run off, but does hop around and explore, and knows where home is. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but he understands “come back here”… and usually does.

(Of course, that doesn’t mean my he’s ready to come in when we want to end playtime. He doesn’t run away, but does make it hard to bring him back in. But he does let us know when he wants to go home.)

Re: hawks. Yeah, they’re problematic. We don’t let him out unsupervised for that very reason.


Chaos kitten/small cat Cirrus likes shoes, a lot.


Snow bun edition!


Boone is being quite clingy the last few days, and I wonder if it’s because for the last couple of years (at least), there’s been some upheaval in his life at around this time of year. This time last year, he was being loaded into a crate and onto a transport truck for a 2-3 days, and brought to Canada, where he went to a kennel first, then to his foster mom for a couple of weeks, and was just getting settled there, then he got loaded into a car with me and came here. He might be feeling that something is going to upset his apple cart. He’s a real velcro dog, like he was when he first arrived.
Screenshot 2025-01-02 8.51.50 PM


Hopefully, he stops feeling this way every year once he’s been secure with you for a while. We had a cat for 18 years who would get very anxious every time we moved apartments every one to 3 years. She was always a velcro-cat but would become inconveniently clingy as soon as moving boxes came out. I learned to move her first, as soon as we got the keys. Once she was in the new place, completely empty, she’d survey her new domain and relax in the middle of the largest room. Then was fine hanging out in a closed bathroom while the stuff came in. The one time we tried to move her last, she sat in the old bathroom crying and screaming. She was afraid we’d leave her. I never figured out why and she never stopped getting anxious about moves.


I hope he does start to feel more secure over time.


He certainly seems to be in the best place with the best people to help him feel safe :grin:


Mr. Feral still isn’t 100% but he is doing better, we think.

And Mrs. Feral is really enjoying bird videos.

Our other old lady has recently discovered the heat vent in the bathroom.


My germaphobe anxiety is high gear with our backyard bird feeding, I know these birds aren’t likely super spreaders but still, look at all those birds and this is a light day.


Today I worked remotely at the rabbit rescue where we volunteer. They needed some help watching the bunnies during play time.

This lovely girl decided to move in with the Buck in his carrier. :sweat_smile:

Everybunny likes the Buck. He is super chill, and even the aggressive rabbits check in on him but don’t bother him. :blush:



All done with my Lego orchid. We cannot have plants due to the princess in the picture. Luckily she doesn’t nibble Lego plants. Though I did find Nimbus nibbling and chasing a Lego fork the other day :disappointed_relieved:
The cats took turns supervising. Though the princess definitely took the most shifts sitting on the instructions so I couldn’t read them

Friday Nimbus got into my lap while I was working. He would sleepily growl if I moved my left arm too much while typing


cool orchids!
Princessa only wants to see that you put it together to her liking. such a good supervisor!

BuddyCat will give me a very deep, menacing growl should i try to get up while he is in his sound sleep in my lap. like, really growly and menacing!
he doesn’t mean anything by it. he is just sound asleep and saying “back up off me!”…
awake, he is a big 'fraidy cat marshmallow that won’t even hiss back at the Grand Dame, ChiliDog, who is one third his size and weight. she’s just mean…