Every Wednesday Twitterer Afro_Herper posts a photo where the idea is to “find that lizard”. This is the one from this week:
Today, at our house, we had a similar game. It was more like “find all the bits of the disarticulated lizard that a cat destroyed” so not quite the same fun game. I won’t be posting a photo of the carnage, but I want to shout out to Bert, who is an adorable murder beast.
I wish knew how much cognition cats have, but I am absolutely convinced they do have LIKE and DO NOT LIKE. And that they probably have a lot to do with smell.
I think cats have a lot of emotions: curiosity, fear, happiness, etc. Maybe even anger and love. They don’t feel guilt, that’s for sure. I swear I’ve seen dogs show that “ooh, i did something wrong” look, but never one of the cats.
One thing I love about cats is usually they are quick to forgiveness. You can step on their tail and two minutes later it’s like “hey, give me a pet.” Of course, if you do it all the time they learn to avoid you.
Accidental minor injury, they are quick to forgive, and vet trips, but if I go out of town for two weeks, it takes at least that long for all of them to go back to normal.
We had a cat many years ago who, when we got back from a trip, would follow us around meowing for an hour, then run up, bite my wife in the calf, and run away. It was like “I’m telling you why I’m mad and now I’m going to show you.”
It was always my wife, never me. Why that should be is one of those mysteries humans are not meant to know.
I’m pretty sure mine did, at least to some extent. She knew when she was in trouble (for knocking over and breaking a sherry glass, say), and she’d be an extra cute cuddly kitty and make a big deal of grooming me afterwards.
Amazing! None of our cats have shown anything like that. Probably because we let them get away with things (well, Dyson got into trouble a lot but it never changed his behavior and for him it was like “What?”).
I once saw two snuggling cats at a cat show who looked like one cat with two heads. I think the cage was covered with a towel or something so it was rather dark. So I told my wife “look at the two-headed cat!” And a little girl whom I hadn’t noticed said “REALLY? A TWO HEADED CAT?”
Yesterday, Bert and Ernie were sterilized. Ernie is already playful but this little girl had her belly cut open and organs removed, so she’s still not quite herself yet. She’s doing okay but yesterday was rough.
There really wasn’t a choice, as Bob Barker taught me from a young age. It still was difficult to take a perfect kitten to have her uterus removed. Poor baby.