Picture from Gaza- families eat together amidst the rubble of their homes.
His 8 month pregnant wife made a statementâŚ
In recent months/years the Anti Defamation League has put out some extremely disappointing statements on the situation in Gaza and many other subjects, but now their official position on free speech in America is to the right of Ann Coulter.
As many people have pointed out, even if the ADL seems to think this specific case is helpful to American Jews or to Israel, thatâs an extraordinarily short-sighted view. A country that can arrest and detain/deport legal residents for first amendment expression without even accusing them of a crime is not a country thatâs going to be a safe place for anyone who is part of a minority group. As the ADL should know better than just about anyone, weâve seen where this leads historically.
Obviously someone sold them a rock that will definitely, 100% guaranteed, keep away hungry leopards.