Thread of assholes

You don’t think I wipe my phone every night?

Maybe, but it’s easier to imagine a scumbag idiot like you wiping your ass with it every night.


Did a racism, lied about it, got fired.


“On March 2, Stephanie Lovins, while dining at Cazuelas Mexican Cantina in Columbus, Ohio, left a message for Ricardo, a U.S. citizen serving her.”


The incident occurred after Lovins grew upset over the restaurant’s “one coupon per table” policy.

Yup. Real estate people are the worst.


Yes, significant detail indeed!


This here ought to be CCed over to Fall of the Fourth Estate. By highlighting the guy’s citizenship status – especially as early as it does – the story gives the impressoin the fact that her assumption was incorrect is the only reason she was in the wrong.


Does it?

I’m not sure the story does “highlight” that fact, even though does appear early in the story, and I also don’t think the story suggests that’s the only reason she was in the wrong. That said, while undocumented workers shouldn’t be targets of this kind of assholery either, that it impinges on the lives of US citizens as well is indeed a further problem.

I was actually glad to see this story in Newsweek, which has been such a shitty news outlet otherwise for the past few years.


That’s a fair point. To be sure, I may be projecting my worst expectations of the worst surface-readers onto the story.


This was my first response as well. “Wait, this is Newsweek?” Hopefully this is a sign of some outlets stepping up, or at least allowing their reporters and editors to put out actual news (cough cough Bezos cough cough)


She should eat in an American restaurant.



Also - Trump is really encouraging this kind of bullshit behavior.


How utterly disappointing.


Hey John…

Also… I went and looked at the comments… so much bigoted dumb shit there, too, even on the “anti-trump” side… :roll_eyes:


Yeah there’s a lot of Capitalist propaganda in there.



The War on Science: Thirty-Nine Renowned Scientists and Scholars Speak Out About Current Threats to Free Speech, Open Inquiry, and the Scientific Process
By Lawrence M. Krauss
An unparalleled group of prominent scholars from wide-ranging disciplines detail ongoing efforts to impose ideological restrictions on science and scholarship throughout western society.

From assaults on merit-based hiring to the policing of language and replacing well-established, disciplinary scholarship by ideological mantras, current science and scholarship is under threat throughout western institutions. As this group of prominent scholars ranging across many different disciplines and political leanings detail, the very future of free inquiry and scientific progress is at risk. Many who have spoken up against this threat have lost their positions, and a climate of fear has arisen that strikes at the heart of modern education and research. Banding together to finally speak out, this brave and unprecedented group of scholars issues a clarion call for change.

“Higher education isn’t what it used to be. Cancel Culture and DEI have caused many to keep their mouths shut. Not so the authors of this book. This collection of essays tells of threats to open inquiry, free speech, and the scientific process itself. A much-needed book.”

—Sabine Hossenfelder, Physicist and Author of Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions

I’m not linking to this thing.

Section 1: Free Speech, Victimhood, and Ideology

Richard Dawkins
Alan Sokal
Niall Ferguson
Nicholas Christakis
Gad Saad
Anna Krylov and Jay Tanzman
Maarten Boudry
Abigail Thompson

Section 2: Ideological Corruption of Academic Disciplines

Sergiu Klainerman
John Armstrong
Bruce Pardy
Jerry Coyne and Luana Maroja
Sally Satel
Elizabeth Weiss
Solveig Lucia Gold and Joshua T. Katz

Section 3: Cancel Culture

Frances Widdowson
Carole Hooven
Christian D. Ott

Section 4: The Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Burcaucracies on Scholarship in Academia and Beyond

Janice Fiamengo
Geoff Horsman
Alessandro Strumia
Roger Cohen and Amy Wax
Peter Boghossian

Section 5: Gender, Race, Ideology, Science, and Scholarship

Lauren Schwartz and Arthur Rousseau
Alex Byne and Moti Gorin
Judith Suissa and Alice Sullivan
Karleen Gribble

Section 6: What Can Be Done?

Dorian Abbot
Steven Pinker
Nicholas Christakis
Richard Redding
Jordan Peterson


Right when scientific institutions are actually getting torn apart by their fellow anti-woke bigots too. A long list of people who nobody has any reason to listen to.


“Nancy Mace is way too obsessed with people’s genitals to be allowed in public restrooms”

It’s very true - I was reading about the recent kerfuffle when she (along with Boebert) stopped what she was doing because she heard a rumor someone using the bathroom was trans (they weren’t), and she had to go run over and harass them.


The fact that Jordan fucking Peterson is involved in this tells you everything you need to know about the content.

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