The Australian bat rescue ladies call it “milk coma.”
Technically a yogurt and fruit coma, but still.
Guinness made such a cute little package of himself, curled up in Maggie’s palm.
this is a uc for the bibliophiles.
i got a great desk with bookshelves in the front, a good angle for the desk top, and it lifts in front to reveal a storage space for $40 at an estate sale three months ago. i had been awaiting our recent garage sale and reorganiziation of stuff to replace the card table i’ve been using for my studio with that desk. i also pulled books from other shelves to go in it so we can bring in more volumes from storage. i think i’ve mentioned that i have a passion for dead tree libraries. so here’s the desk now that i have it stocked with books.–
i acquired the top row of books from our local library sale for $14. the jumble in the box is what once was either on top of the card table or near to it so, in process art pieces, media, tools, etc. . . that bookshelf to the left is our “reference desk”. i think i’ve got every library short of dallas beat for reference resources-- image in next posrt because “new user” limits . . .
and my follow-up image . . . seven seconds later
eta not pictured a compact edition of the oxford english dictionary with the nifty rectanglar magnifying glass, a 1969 edition of the world book encyclopedia with updates until 1984, and an extensive collection of maps: county and city road maps, selected topographic maps, as well as several road atlases (us and uk from the 40s, us from the 50s-00s).
Love those fangs!
(We refuse to call them canines.)
Are canines on a cat just felines?
That would be redundant.
Indie/Folk/Chill band name: Baby Flying Fox Fountain