Yeah, you’re right. @FSogol pointed out over in the dumbest thing read thread that Blackmon is a Democrat. He missed me with the message, that’s for sure. It’s hard to do satire with stuff like this when, as he points out, other lawmakers are trying to pass laws just as dumb as this all the time.
Something’s slowing down Florida Man…
The man, said to be in his 40s, told doctors that he had adopted a “carnivore diet” eight months prior. His diet included between 6 lbs and 9 lbs of cheese, sticks of butter, and daily hamburgers that had additional fat incorporated into them. Since taking on this brow-raising food plan, he claimed his weight dropped, his energy levels increased, and his “mental clarity” improved…
The cardiologists diagnosed the man with xanthelasma, a condition in which excess blood lipids ooze from blood vessels and form localized lipid deposits. The escaped lipids would normally be taken up by roaming white blood cells called macrophages. But, in cases with xanthelasma, the amount of lipids is too large for the macrophages, which turn into foam cells with the excess cholesterol, leading to visible deposits.
Worst. X-Man. Ever.
His secondary powers are being waterproof and being able to use his fingers as oil lamps.
Why listen to medical experts! They’re all so corrupt that I’m better off doing my own damn research.
As I posted elsewhere at Elsewhere:
Has everyone forgotten the villain from the old Tick series, the Breadmaster? His henchman was Buttery Pat who skated around on butter by shooting it out of his hands like Iceman did with ice.
They call me, Candelabra!
Um; what?
One is odd, two is a coincidence, three is a pattern, so look out for another far right personality comparing sexual activity (or lack thereof) with his son.
Passing dogs love to stop and lick. Driving is a drag as the wheel keeps slipping every time he tries to turn. He doesn’t need to buy hair gel, though.
But he can rub my avatar icon any time he likes. (oo’er, missus!)
He also has a really high smoke point…
They could al least translate it to dog.
The joke that went with the picture:
but the sign is apparently real:
The International Plumbing Code requires signage whenever grey or non-potable water is used for irrigation or flushing toilets/urinals. That sign is just a poorly worded attempt to comply with the code. Unfortunately, signs that say, “caution, non-potable water” tend to create confusion with the public.