The oral one was a live virus. At some point in the early-to-mid 2000’s U.S. medical practice stopped using the oral polio vaccine and went to the (dead virus) shot instead. The problem with the oral vaccine – at least, this is how it was explained to parents of children getting vaccinated – was that if anyone in the family’s circle was susceptible, it was possible to catch polio from the live vaccine.
I can’t see how getting the dead virus vaccine now wouldn’t be safe for you, and certainly safer than being around people in NYC/NJ with the current outbreak. Which makes me wonder why your doctor can’t be clearer about this to you.
When I asked about shingles vaccine (my mom suffered from them), I was pretty sure I never had chicken pox as a child, so my doc did a blood test to check for antibodies, which I didn’t have. So I got the chicken pox vaccine, not the singles vaccine. Now that I have had that vaccine, I can now get the shingles vaccine.
ETA: fixed the single/shingles typo – thanks autocorrect! Luckily I haven’t needed the singles vaccine since I got married.
I think the police were doing something and that something was helping the nazis attack that community. If the cops are on the side of the nazis, something like this only makes sense.
Not really, no. The fact that they are stepping in because of lack action on the part of LEO is telling. LEOs will always show up for neighborhoods with HOAs. This was a community that was directly threatened by nazis and the cops did nothing.
We’re gonna see more of this around the country as the nazis are more emboldened to threaten and intimidate communities of color. Lots of people are going to take it, and I don’t think we can blame them for defending their communities when they are so threatened. This happened during the civil rights movement, as well, when they knew that they could not depend on police protection from the KKK and other violent racists.