Well this is interesting



Flaming Zombie?

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That is certainly the only Dr. Who scene I could recognize. I have never watched it, but just yesterday I finished reading the book, City of Death, in which the scene occurs. The book is based on a script written by Douglas Adams, which is what caught my attention.

Douglas Adams wrote a lot about coincidences, didnā€™t he?


Not sure where to put this:


Hereā€™s an interesting essay to watch on YouTube about YouTube (if you have 35 minutes or so):

Very interesting discussions about what YouTube culture offers, whatā€™s at stake and emotional labour and the impact of always being on.



Thatā€™s gotta be a fake. Thereā€™s an actual organic brain in the circuitry, and thatā€™s just not possible.


It is, in fact, a mock brain. Part of a plausible deniability generator in the event someone take a shot at him.


I think that weā€™re talking about implausible deniability hereā€¦


At last, something to go with that 3200 year old cheese!


Canā€™t have beer and cheese without crackers


Happy international microorganism day! Itā€™s the anniversary of the first description of bacteria, possibly give or take one or two letters.



I just realized that ā€œThe Adventures of Pluto Nashā€ is a remake of ā€œMoon Zero Two.ā€


I hadnā€™t heard the story of the penny newspaper before.


The JC Penney part of the story was just depressing.

Also: I recently went to a discount grocery store instead of my usual (closer) supermarket. The price differences ā€“ regular price at the discount place was typically cheaper than the sale price at the local place ā€“ has me really questioning my shopping habits.


I bounce between stores too much.

I have the:

Expensive but not anything special but the hot food bar. (Only stopped at when I need something quick coming home from work)

Average Wipepo Store. Close, but honestly itā€™s a glorified convenience store with a deli. I shop there out of habit.

Downmarket Grocery Store - Rough around the edges, good produce prices if you donā€™t care about looks. Close, but laid out really wierd shopped there for a while, but its a place you only buy a couple of days at a time.

Mega-Mart with Groceries. Meh. The partner likes it, but out of my way so Iā€™d never go on my own.

German-Discount-Shop - I wish it was closer. I do most of my shopping there now, but it is a 25 minute drive to get there. And I have to remember the bags.

The price difference for a week of food at a time is shocking. I will never be the coupon-clipping, shop at five different stores kinda guy, but since going to Discount-German-Shop on a regular basis, my food bill is half what it was.


No idea where to put this, but I wanted to put it somewhere.

Slacktivist has a post talking about, among other things, the following link. As soon as I read it, I knew they were talking about something I actually have crossed paths with. Hereā€™s the direct link (not Slacktivist):

Itā€™s worse than it seems, if itā€™s the same one (and even worse than that if weā€™re talking about at least two such ā€˜ministriesā€™ popping up in the same area at the same time). I sing in a large choral group. One day I overheard a conversation between two family members who both sing in the same group, talking about starting a new ā€œBible-basedā€ church in the city. I asked them about it. Turns out, the younger adult had gone to Wheaton College, and because itā€™s in the western suburbs of Chicago it is often the case that graduates end up staying in the Chicago area for work. A need had been discovered: how to set up a Wheaton-like church for those poor unfortunates stuck in the den of iniquity known as urban Chicago (not a safe suburbā€¦oh, the horror). I asked if it was like an alumni sort of thing. No, itā€™s because there simply arenā€™t any diverse Bible-based churches in Chicago, so they had to start one.

Need I mention that our choral group performs in multiple locations on the South Side of Chicago? Or that, by definition, any ā€œChristianā€ church is Bible-based? But noā€¦thatā€™s a dog whistle. They donā€™t really mean what they say. Pride in bearing false witness, to protect themselves from the truth the world, is at the core of their belief system.

So theyā€™re not just starting a new church for unfortunate whites who for whatever reason have to live in the city instead of the suburbsā€¦itā€™s specifically to reinforce the beliefs of Wheaton College, so that alums donā€™t get swayed from the path by actually knowing people of other races, beliefs, etc.

It was weird to read something on the internet and realize that I know more about the people involved than the person writing about it, or the person writing about that person writing about it, despite not actually being in that world (unlike the two online writers). If that makes any sense.


By implying that other churches arenā€™t Bible-based, could they be referring to Catholic churches? I know that one of the criticisms of Catholicism is that it puts the word of the Pope above the text of the Bible. If notā€¦ yeah, I canā€™t see what else it would be other than a dog whistle.