Whatcha Watchin'?

A celebration of doing the bare minimum.


It’s not about a political point of view.

But it is, Adam. Okay great, you called out Tromp. But you’re still a fucking Republican.


Little Motions, Big Emotions -YASHIRO Takeshi Stop Motion Animation- Short films that evoke deep emotions, woven by meticulously crafted small wooden figures.


Seems like nice work, but I didn’t really have any emotions evoked by either one.


It gave me a feeling of strangeness. The bland expression of the puppets faces are disturbing.


Hmmm… rather belongs more in this thread.


I just watched Doctor Who S3 (2007) E10 Blink for the first time. This weekend, when I saw the “next on” promo, saw the Weeping Angels and the Doctor saying “don’t blink” I got goosebumps because I’ve seen so many memes from the episode. I felt like Blink had to be good, and was relieved because I wasn’t a massive fan of episodes 8 and 9.

It did not disappoint at all! It might be my favorite episode of Doctor Who so far (post-2005-relaunch, back in the late aughts I decided I wanted to get into Doctor Who, but thought I had to start with the 1960s episodes…I quickly lost interest and just recently started again with the 2005 relaunch). I’ve been hoping for an episode where the Doctor finds himself caught up in personal events where his personal timeline isn’t quite linear. The supporting cast was great, although Carey Mulligan was more like the lead of the episode (Harry Lloyd’s over-acting in episodes 8 and 9 was creepily charming at first, but wore thin pretty quickly). The Weeping Angels are great villains. How can I get one in my yard? I just loved it.

So, the moral of the story is: If it’s been widely memed it must be quickly seened. I’m pretty sure that’s right.


Broke down and watched Alien: Romulus.

Surprisingly good thrill ride. No world building to speak of as it’s really just cobbled together from bits of the prior four films, only improving on #4, but it held my interest throughout, was often exciting, and frequently made me cackle aloud at the shitty situations the characters were constantly being forced into. Of course, if I’d actually cared about the rather generic characters, I wouldn’t have found it so easy to laugh at their pain. The only character with potential was the lead android*, but he eventually turns into a mere plot device. Also, is it just me or did this film feel more accidentally disorienting than the prior films in the series. I sometimes had trouble figuring out where things, primarily aliens, were in relation to everything else, and it didn’t always seem deliberate.

Despite all my carping above, a very good film which I would rank just a bit behind #3. (Well, that’s made everyone dismiss my opinion!) It’s on Hulu, but, for the moment at least, can be watched on Disney+ even if you don’t get Hulu.

*Actually, having Andy, whose “model was once the backbone of [Weyland-Yutani’s] colonization efforts” be played by a Black man (shades of Asimov) does add a little to the Alien mythos.


Behind the Scenes of a 1969 British Coffee Commercial Directed by a Young Ridley Scott



Blink and the Girl in the Fireplace are my two favorite Dr Who episodes ever.


That one was excellent, too! I’m going to be a bit sad when I get to the next Doctor. Tennant was so good.


Matt Smith played a very different Doctor…but he played it very, very well. Of the post 2005 Doctors, I would put them as 1 and 1a. Christopher Eccleston was also very good, but his tenure was so short. I’m pretty meh on Peter Capaldi. I liked Jodie Whittaker’s take a lot, but many didn’t. The jury is still out on Ncuti Gatwa, but so far, he’s good.


I felt like she got screwed over in a similar way to Colin Baker, in that her performance was fine but she was given awful material to work with and was written to act a bit out-of-character in a way that was offputting. I really didn’t care for her first couple seasons but felt like she was really starting to come into her own after a while once the writing improved… and then before she had a chance to really shine for long, they’re moving on to the next Doctor. I would have loved to see her stick around a few more years.



Meh, indeed. Especially with Chris Columbus heading it up. Isn’t Joe Dante available?


Youtube link:

And Nebula, for those that prefer it:

Tale Foundry is always good, but I thought this one was particularly good. What it means to be, or to define someone as, a monster.

Didn’t really answer the title question, in my opinion. Left a lot to be said, but it explored some routes toward thinking about that and left a lot to think about in the limited 20 minute timeframe. There’s just so much more that could be said about monsters following the rules in stories. But I guess that would’ve been a much longer video.


I’m not a big wrestling fan, but this looks like a really interesting story. Also, holy crap, that’s Felicity Smoak from Green Arrow.


Oh, that does look good!




Some very good points…

Strikes, however, are not “unavoidable”. And I’m not so sure whether it’s the writers’ choice whether there is a self-contained story arc or a cliffhanger as such; I suspect the producers can overrule the writers whenever they see fit.