Whatcha Watchin'?

Punisher eps 1-6 seem to be setting up for a great turn and another well-written story. Roomie is irritated at slowness. I’m pretty happy with it so far.

Waiting for roomie to get ready for the first binge session, I finally started watching Happy!. Holy Jesus nailed to a scarf. What the fucking fuck, I love it.


That pic is EVERYTHING.

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I watched the Netflix Fyre Festival doc last night. Not really a spoiler, but I’m glad people managed to recognise the CEO or whatever he titled himself was a sociopath. Some of the people who got caught in it as employees seemed like decent people who were simply working too hard on the domed project to get themselves another job – or who were so manipulated by the sociopath that they were basically enthralled.




I think the mom was having an affair, and the kids stumbled across their trysting place out in Devil’s Den. The son died on accident, and she gave the girl to her lover/dealer so she wouldn’t be taken by the state. The mom folded her son’s hands like the communion photo as a last farewell gesture.


I started watching Surviving R Kelly and had to stop 3 eps in.

I’ll resume when I’m feeling less pissed off and stabby.


I mentioned this in another thread, but I’m pretty sure my first boss in engineering produced his stage shows and was good friends with him. It’s seriously creeping me out. He was a mentor to me and a really cool guy, but I could see him enabling the behavior.


Apparently, there was a Benji reboot last year?

I went to watch the original (one of two popular kid’s movies I never saw…what’s up with that, mom & dad?), and found out early it was the reboot.

Still, not bad. The first five minutes really hits you in the feels, and yeah, I teared up at the end.


Watched the season 5 (and entire plotline so far) finale of Steven Universe.

So much stuff just happened my head is spinning. I didn’t quite get the ending I was looking for, but it worked.

Waiting for the full-length movie in the fall is going to feel like a long time, assuming that’s what kicks off season 6.


My daughter made me was The Haunting of Hill House. I liked it because it wasn’t really scary and I don’t like scary. It was pretty good; the end was a bit weak and had a lot of rhymes which I didn’t get.


Is this the Netflix series, or some other thing with the same name?

If it’s the Netflix series, maybe I’ll give it another go then.

(I got scared when the girls heard the banging on the walls at night. I used to live in a house that did that – not as dramatically, of course.)

It is the Netflix series. I didn’t find it very scary myself, and I’m a wimp. More sort of “ghost story” - like The Others a lot if you have seen that.


I love The Others – anything where there is some empathy for the ghosts works better for me.


I expected the end to be very scary but it was more like The Others where you get less scared of them because you understand why they are there and why they are acting that way.

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OT… Is that a polar bear screaming underwater?


You’d have to ask @dfaris – it’s from this very BBS:

Puzzling Evidence

I thought he was roaring at the hapless underwater photographer below him. “You’re not a seal! How am I supposed to find a meal when idiot non-seals are swimming around and throwing me off my game? Take off, eh!”


It popped up in my my news feed yesterday. I have no back story. The image has apparently been floating around the internet for a couple of years. I made it my phone wallpaper.


Searching past all the appearances on pinterest, it looks like this is from here, taken by photographer Tilly Meijer in 2011. It doesn’t say what is happening but she has another picture showing a dive, so I imagine this is the aftermath.


To hell with the photograph, I want the story.


Whatever its origin, felicitations on your shiny new avatar. May it serve you well.


Catching up with some Marvel movies — just watched the Ultron one and Thor: Ragnarok.

Ragnarok was way better :+1:

It’s paced like somebody telling a story and not like watching somebody speedrun a video game.