Whatcha Watchin'?

Haven’t trusted Fox since Firefly.



That’s why you don’t trust them, not the whole mindless hate-machine they created that’s been dumbing down older White people for the last 3 decades?!?

But seriously, though; I don’t actually watch tv on a television anymore, so I often have no clue which networks produce which shows.



Haven’t trusted Fox Entertainment since Firefly.

Never trusted Faux News.


That’s a reasonable distinction, and I agree.


Fox as an entire company can go fuck themselves sideways with the Empire state building, as far as I’m concerned.



Once in a long while, a show that ended the first season in a cliffhanger gets renewed. And there is rejoicing in the land.


Welp, I’m not watching this yet, but I will be in the future:

Even if it wasn’t starring RuPaul, it’s still a brilliant concept, based on BJ and the Bear, no less! I mean, this is how you update an older show in an interesting way!


Ha. I totally called a certain event on tonight’s Lucifer. But it’s a very bitter victory, because unless another network or service picks up the show, we’ll never know what happened afterwards.

Other reactions: an excellent episode for this show to finish on (if it’s finished.) Every character had a part to play, and did it beautifully. The pacing was superb-- at the half-hour mark, I was amazed that only a half-hour had passed, given how much had already happened. This season’s story arc got wrapped up in a most satisfying manner. The main frustration was, of course, that cliff-hanger.

When it was bad, it was… mediocre. But when it fired on all cylinders, Lucifer was one hell of a show.



About to watch now…



You didn’t like it?


All right. I have finally watched Avengers: Infinity War, and I have things to say. MAJOR spoilers for everything follow.

Okay, so although I tried my best to avoid them, it’s been two weeks since the premiere, so I entered this movie basically knowing that Thanos was going to win, that a lot of Avengers were going to die, and from all the “Does Thanos Kill You” websites, that he was going to snap his fingers. I don’t think it really affected the quality of the movie: I think I would have figured it out pretty quickly, anyway. There’s a reason why Avengers 4 used to be called Infinity War: Part Two.

So, as the movie played, I had in my mind a line from Marvel’s The Avengers, the first team-up movie way back when. Tony Stark is talking to Loki, blustering about all of the people Loki had pissed off, and stalling while Jarvis gets the Mark VII armour ready. He tells Loki that even if they can’t prevent Loki’s ascent to power, he won’t rest easy on his throne. “If we can’t protect the world, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.”

And, for most of this movie, that line made sense. I thought they might be able to hold back one or two of the stones, giving Thanos enough power to complete his mission, but not enough to do so with a snap of the fingers. The Time Stone, if nothing else, could undo anything Thanos could do.

Once Thanos got the Time Stone, the ending was clear, the loss complete, even if the Mind Stone wasn’t in his possession yet. I was prepared to watch half of the Avengers die, so that the other half could… say it with me… avenge them. There was always going to be someone to bear Cap’s shield (Cap or Falcon or Bucky), There was going to be someone to lift Thor’s hammer axe (Cap or Thor or Vision), someone in power armour (Tony or Rhodey), at least three of the Guardians, and the faces of all of the new franchises: T’Challa, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange. And probably Widow.

Anyone who’s seen the movie knows what my complaint will be. Most of the list above, the ones who couldn’t plausibly be killed, are the ones that got killed: all of the Guardians except for Rocket (I’m not counting Nebula); all three “new franchisees;” and, of all the people who could take up a mantle, only the ones that originally had it (plus Rhodey) all survived.

Yes, I know that this is a comic book movie, and comic books always have their heroes resurrected. Still, come on. If you’re going to fake us out, at least keep a better poker face to mask the fact that you’re bluffing.

If, in Infinity War, they had killed only the expendable/legacy heroes, and finished off with a title drop of “The surviving heroes will return in Avengers: Vengeance,” I would be so hyped for the next few movies. As it is, meh. I have no confidence that any of it will have any lasting consequences, stretching back even to the opening scene where the Asgardians are killed off. Because why would it? Why should it? We know that most of the death is going to be undone; why should I care about the rest?

I’m going to keep watching to Avengers 4, but I think, at that point, I’m done. They had an opportunity here to give the game some stakes, to create something truly great, and they whiffed on it. And, while the series has recovered from this kind of thing in the past, I’m just not willing to give it another chance.
I’ll watch the happy fun time resurrection that will be Avengers 4, and get my closure at the end of the massive story that is the MCU Phases 1-3, but, at the end of all this, why bother sticking around if no one ever loses anything meaningful?


In best lisping comic-book nerd voice, "But Docthor Thstrange laid a trap! It was the one thing he could do to keep the [Mind]thtone from being DESTHROYED.

I’m not hating on lispers. We could all use an Igor from time to time.


No, I did; but if that was ‘The END…’ Boo.

@nimelennar you hit the nail on the head about what pisses me off; not the deaths themselves per se, but how Marvel studios handled this entire story line after 18 fucking films.


I’ve heard the showrunners are trying to sell the show to another network or streaming service. There’s no guarantee it’ll happen. I hope it does. But if it doesn’t, then I agree, that’s an incredibly frustrating place to leave it.


I’m watching Evil Genius on Netflix. It’s fascinating, but also just… weird. Weird what the people in the interviews think is normal. Weird what they think is weird.

Lots of weird connections made to mental illness and being highly intelligent too. People keep mentioning these traits in the subjects, but it really sounds to me like narcissism is more key.


I am literally watching ep 2 right now.