Whatchya Workin' On, O Creatives?

Just completed:


Edited the ending.


Forced myself to finish this song. Though I’ll probably re record the vocals it still turned out a lot better than I thought it would.


Don’t know that the vocals need work. I like it. If I were tempted to change anything, I might base the bridge more on the bass intro, which is quite distinctive (and that’s a big maybe).


There’s a couple of words that are oddly stressed, where I emphasized the wrong syllable to get it to fit the metre. I’ll try to get it to flow more naturally. I’ll also try to get the drums to lock in a little better with the bass and do a final mix. Other than that I’ll start working on something else.


Yeah, I caught that. It’s not unusual, can be effective. I put up Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights in the Earworms thread not too long ago - there’s a song with all kinds of peculiar stresses and enjambments, but it’s extremely effective.


The latest. Over the past two days, I’d watched a long documentary on Andy Warhol and two different ones on Jean-Michel Basquiat. I myself love using objects rather than canvases to paint on not just because I can’t afford canvas, but I love to take a blank anything and transform it into something more interesting to look at than a clear glass or a nearly-blank cardboard box.


“General Admission”, and the beginnings of my next project:


Been working on stuff for the last year & a half for my band (which broke up a decade ago, but that’s another story). While I’m waiting for the singer to do his stuff so I can go back and rerecord everything, I’ve been putting some new stuff together. Currently just mixed together in Audacity for speed with demo vox - needing to sit down & get to grips with a proper DAW just as soon as I can muster up the patience to learn…

(why yes, I am ripping off early Sisters of Mercy :bat:)



I’m not a pro by any means but I would love to take a crack at mixing this. If you’re up for it let me know and I can probably get it into good shape for the singer to have something to work with.

And of course if you want to learn, download reaper and stop by this place, http://indierecordingdepot.com/


Cheers, I’m planning on rerecording the guitar so when I do that I’ll definitely bear it in mind :slight_smile:

Yes, Reaper is what I’m going to probably use, but I’ll bookmark that site right now, thanks!


I’ll take that as a yes. Take your time and hit me up once you’ve got your recordings ready.


Uploaded new code.

Doesn’t sound like much, but for me, these little sanity projects are a blast.

Here’s wot I’ve worked on this week, so far:

Userscript: Nu-Kinja
• Patched to work on Greasemonkey 4, with backwards compatibility for ViolentMonkey (GM3 fork) and TamperMonkey.
• Added comment nesting
Click to install!

Userscript: Kinjamprove
• Patched to work on Greasemonkey 4, retains backward compatibility
Click to install!


Game server plugin: fof_drop2
• Drops all inventory on being fragged
• Works on all Source engine based games (since 2007)
• Updated, now with 100% fewer bugs!
:heart: Compiled:
:heart: Source:

Game server plugin: classic_drop
• Drops active weapon on being fragged
• Source 2010+
:heart: Compiled:
:heart: Source:


I picked up a Monome Teletype for my modular synth. It’s basically a small computer with its own display and USB port for a keyboard; it has an old-school interpreted scripting language with Polish notation, and commands can be entered live or run when a trigger input is received or a “metronome” timer counts down. It also has a 4x64 “pattern” memory for tracker-style sequencing or other data storage, and a subset of LOGO which can crawl the turtle over the table to read or write from it.

An example which should sync the “metronome” to incoming clock pulses, adding a swung grace note 1/4 of the time, converting to a full triplet once every 6 times:

M DIV LAST 1        // set metronome to the time since last trigger

TR.TIME 1 DIV M 6         // set pulse length to 1/6 duty cycle
TR.P 1                    // pulse
PROB 75: BREAK            // 75% chance of no swing
DEL MUL 2 DIV M 3: TR.P 1 // pulse again in 2/3 of metro time
SKIP 6: BREAK             // 5 times in a row, don't do a full triplet
DEL DIV M 3: TR.P 1       // pulse again in 1/3 of metro time

So far (since getting it Monday evening) I’ve written a Euclidean rhythm script which allows the number of fills, pattern length and rotation to be edited on the fly, and modified someone else’s note quantizer code (correcting pitch and remapping notes to a scale/chord of one’s choosing) to work across multiple octaves.

I’ve also used some custom rhythmic and pitch algos in a recorded song that’ll be on my next album, and expect to keep doing that for more songs (if not, I just spent a lot of money for a cool toy :thinking:)

To me this kind of old-school (live) coding has a lot more appeal than, say Max or Reaktor or writing VST plugins in C++ (which I’ve done) or whatever. It looks cryptic, but was easy to learn (at least, for an experienced programmer and electronic musician…) and there’s no such thing as runtime errors (DIV X 0 is 0, deal with it :dark_sunglasses: ) and it’s focused entirely on note-related events.


That is the most cyberpunk thing I’ve read in the last year, possibly since Snow Crash. I’m picturing people training AI agent turtles to crawl through VR databases and fetch records rather than doing SQL queries. :sunglasses:


I want to replace all the standard vr visualizations with turtles. lots and lots of turtles.


Turtles all the way down?


Now I’m picturing a rack of terrariums with actual turtles wearing VR goggles.


Initial stages of writing an investigative journalism piece.

HP has some major problems with quality controp and fraudsters infiltrating their factory. Just how deep does the rabbit hole go? Cloned pages that lead to semi legit businesses doong shady remotr-access work and much more, coming up on the ElsewhereCafe later this month.


The found-objects piece I’m working on: