Whatchya Workin' On, O Creatives?

The end result looks well integrated. It’s a good thing you have metal fenders. What type of bike is it?


an old steel road bike that I’ve modified for city riding/commuting/grocery getting/some offroad, just an everything bike

1987 Miyata 312, the teal bike in the catalog was how it was when I got it except in the black colorway


I approve.


The Papiermeister has been busy again, and the USPS delivered much needed joy today!

Thank you thank you thank you @KeybillyJefe !!!

Seriously, it’s a shit week


i am sorry you have had a shit week.
that you take something from my silly print work makes me happy.
i just love doing these things.
that it means anything to anyone, is all the more reason to continue.
thank you for being on the other end of my postal missives, it completes the connection - a drawing of a fish; it is received and you feel lifted in spirit and i am happy, too.

what i have to say in these mailings is not important. what y’all say back is what i do it for. it is my joy to produce these images, say a little something about this place, and send them out.

my message in a bottle?


I went to this small exhibition before Christmas

Some of your work reminded me of the prints taken directly from animals, there were some of fish but I neglected to take pictures. I think they dusted the animals with graphite powder and took a rubbing.


We got ours too! The details on the fish are just beautiful. Bonus, I got the mail before the kid arrived home, so I could actually see and admire the postcard for more than 10 seconds before the kid ran off to place it with her “special cards.”

Kid: Mom, (serious expression) Ravus is my cat and I need to keep it safe for her. It’s my duty and Ravus doesn’t have a box for her special cards. It has to go into mine


adorable that she keepsakes the cards for kitteh!
so glad you all enjoy them. that makes me smile.


I’m a bit worried about getting mine. Apparently someone broke into the block’s communal mailboxes, so everything is being held at the post office. Hoping nothing’s been misplaced or taken


oh, noes!
postal thieves and porch pirates are the worst!
(let me know if it doesn’t show in a few days or so, i will send out another!)


Can y’all please put spoilers on these if you’re going to post them here? Thanks!



I’ll check my regular mail box tomorrow and the post office as well. I’m looking at USPS’ “Informed Delivery” and that it was delivered Wednesday.


that’s a good idea. i have mentioned that before, since not everyone gets them at the same time.
i do appreciate that @Wayward places objects to obscure the image a bit. perhaps another seashell would have served in this case?
in any case:


She spoilers sketches with seashells she scavenges from the seashore?


say that three times fast!


I was thinking that by the time you send out new postcards you can do a post here talking about the previous month’s one. That’ll give people the heads up that they can talk about it and share pics if they have any.


sounds cool.
i can start by saying that we ended the Overseas Railway series in September and have moved into the Conch Republic’s barrier reef series.
this series started with the spiny lobster, then the nurse shark, the yellowtail snapper and now this one, which i shall describe next month, after the next card is posted.

these are all drypoint etchings, meaning the image plate is done by making scratches and abrasion on the surface, using a variety of tools, scribes, needles, sandpaper and even light sandblasting through a stencil. the plates are printed intaglio style where ink is applied, then wiped off the surface. the remaing ink in the scratches and below surface level is transferred to the dampened paper under heavy pressure of the cylinder press. you can see the impression of the plate edges that leave a “frame” around the image. some of these reef creature images get a little watercolor tint to add color to these colorful reef fish.

the text is printed relief style (letterpress) using “typeform plates” of wood that i laser engrave to leave only the letters raised, burning away all of the wood in the non image areas. the stamps are done in the same manner and printed on the same press that i have modified to accept a removable platen. these wood plates sometimes show the grain, making some letters appear a little rough (i call it “moth eaten”). the result is very much a hand crafted letterpress print, the imperfections are left to show this.

it is time and labor intensive, but it what i love to do. each card issue - i believe - gets a little more refined as i continue to evolve my process.

thank you for attending my TED talk!


My bad… :disappointed:


Update on wedding gifts:

Charcuterie board almost done. It will get a wax finish and decorative brass feet. Decided to carve a side bowl since there was some left from the chunk i used, i will make a lid/cover for it later (still figuring that one out) and using some scraps to make serving implements.