Adrian van Helsberg [my developer] has suggested splitting Tatchanka into 2 or more games, and publishing Fall of the Directory, soon, since it’s relatively balanced, while holding Rising Against the Volunteer Army for later, since the situations are unbalanced, and harder to turn into competitive games. He also wants a game or module covering the period between these campaigns.
I’m still eager to share Rising, including The Road to Freedom? and if practical, also The Bolshevik Advance. I actually prefer Rising to Fall.
Fall of the Directory was hard to research, because the strengths are so uncertain. Especially partisan and Directory strengths. The Bolsheviks historically overran most of Ukraine. But I don’t think that was inevitable. I think it was an unstable situation. I’m happy with a scenario where that’s possible, but it’s not the most likely result, and each side’s victory is possible.
Rising Against the Volunteer Army hasn’t been as hard to research. The Makhnovists broke out into southeastern Ukraine, the Whites counterattacked, and ultimately the Bolsheviks arrived and again overran most of Ukraine. I’m trying to create scenarios where the historical outcome is possible, and something close to it is the most likely.
The 1st half, The Road to Freedom is hard to balance, because the Makhnovists start with a small force, and have to capture supply centers to mobilize a stronger force; the Whites start with most of their forces fighting the Directory, and others garrisoning the Kavkaz. Apparently, White players felt like they didn’t have enough options in the early game. But Makhnovist players need the chance to break out, and to mobilize.
The 2nd half, The Bolshevik Advance is impossible to balance, because the Bolsheviks arrive with a massive force, while the Whites have lost most of their force to desertion. It also requires an extra counter sheet.
If I’m going to add a 3rd game to link these campaigns, I’d suggest zooming out, to include much of southern Russia as well as Ukraine. Maybe larger units, 1 month/turn, and 60 miles/hex, would work better.
Splitting the games would also help avoid confusion about which counters are for which scenarios, allow more period-specific factions, etc.
[So I’m somewhat disappointed, but it’s been 20 years; if part of this game finally gets published, that’s better than nothing. I’d need a sensible computer setup, a cardstock printer, etc. to redesign Rising.]