Badass Dragoons of the Highlands - Turn 4 - Amsterdam (c.1602)

Another century, another armistice. Why I always have to end up where everyone else is, I don’t know. I don’t like cities. I come from a tribe of around twenty or so, and we hunted and foraged over more land than these people put thousands in. Plus they stink.

From what I have been able to determine, the burglar and the madman are no more, but I could swear I saw the sea snake or one of its brethren in one of the canals. I cannot say I am disappointed at their passing, only that I could not have been the one to introduce them to their afterlife.

Oh. Yeah. Like you’ve never thought that about anybody.


Harold, I’ve made you a hot dish for tomorrow night when I’m chaperoning for Billy’s class trip to the city. Warm it in the oven for… Oh, I’ll just write it down and tape it to the fridge for you. If the kids don’t drive me mad, I should be back on Tuesday, and I’m sure you can take care of yourself for that long. And if you get adventurous in the kitchen and try to cut yourself a piece of cheese or something, for goodness’ sakes BE CAREFUL. I just had all the knives sharpened.


AH, the Opera. Yes, Venice brought it the world, but it was actually invented in Florence, not long after we all cleared out.

The Florentine Camerata thought they were re-inventing Ancient Greek Drama, which makes these performances all the more amusing for those of us who saw the original productions. (Did you know “Chorus” originally meant “those who dance”?)

And yet, one has to applaud these contemporary Italians - this newfangled Opera is superior entertainment to the slow moving dramas of old!

So off to Venice I go!

Yours in Truth,

Mr. Collins

Mr Collins FULL

  Mystical runes appear: e20381841547673a40aa91e1fb2377f7a41680d9

    Time remaining     : 1d 11h 59m
    Submission deadline: 2017-10-20 23:00:00 -0400

@cleveremi @old @gwwar @teknocholer @miasm @chickied @guest_account_7 @nightflyer @tobinl

“I have heard that The Kurgan have been sighted recently. You may wish to make arrangements.”

  Mystical runes appear: 68baac7f55642f7deaa98098c2221ddf633d14dc

    Time remaining     : 1d 11h 59m
    Submission deadline: 2017-10-20 23:00:00 -0400

@donald_petersen @penguinchris

Gonna need some coffee to be alert enough to keep my head on me.


A strange header, you say?

  Mystical runes appear: 404ee5d53b92c4a4da1f92d1dca9d4ad2f61171d

    Time remaining     : 0d 13h 30m
    Submission deadline: 2017-10-20 23:00:00 -0400

@cleveremi @teknocholer @miasm @chickied @donald_petersen @penguinchris

[excerpt from The Diaries of Other Pendragon © 2017 by TrilloCom LLC]

Nota bene: Must find a new way to get my journals to [words scratched out]. It makes no sense to send by way of Padua any more, and I suspect that Kit Marlowe has been opening the packages. Some phrases of mine have shown up in his plays. It’s bad enough that he has been stealing what is mine by right of copy, but that cream-faced loon Will Shakespeare is getting all the credit. But Kit could always smile and smile and be a villain. Does he not understand that word-piracy hurts all honest poets?

It almost makes me wish I had told Bess of his whereabouts while I was still in her favour, but I am no traitor to my friends (unlike some who may be reading this my private journal, eh, Kit?). Anyway, it’s too late now, Bess is old, and I was wise to stay away from such stratagems lest I be dragged in. Bess may have the heart and stomach of a king, but she has her father’s mean streak. I’ve known Immortals who were less keen on chopping off heads.


Biographer’s note:
This manuscript, apparently by Sir Other Pendragon, was found on a scrap of parchment discarded in his chambers in Amsterdam, ca. 1602 and retained by a housemaid, possibly for the herbal recipe on the other side [citation needed]. The parchment has been crumpled and smoothed out repeatedly. It has many stains (sweat? tears?) and appears to have been stabbed with a dagger numerous times.

O young Pendragon is come out of the west

I wandered lonely as a cloud,
something something all the highways
Much more than this, I did it the Other way
no no

The shades of [night] midnight drear
something something
A lad who bore midst snow and ice
A raven with the strange device [never again] not twice

Who is Sylvia? What is she?
Why is she so cruel to me?
dum de dum de dum de dee

Said Quoth a noble knight-errant blod bold named yclept Other
"I am tired grow weary of war, I would rather
dum de dum de dum dum
[Journey, Basho to [greet] meet] *
Go the master to meet
And [to] sit at Basho’s his feet
That is, if it’s not too much I won’t be a bother."

*Beat a retreat
Attend a retreat
Avoid the drums’ beat

Eschew the drums’ beatmaybe?
Leave the noise of the streetstupid!
Catch a ride with the fleetstupid stupid stupid (not a bad idea though)

[many ink blots]

od’sblood by-our-lady tupping hell damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn

I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse
I will not curse

one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. breathe breathe I am worthy I am worthy

Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest
Quiet pool in the forest


[excerpt from The Diaries of Other Pendragon © 2017 by TrilloCom LLC]

To dine with Bashō
O tempura, O morays


There is evil in this world

This we know.

But there is also evil amongst us.

This is I have learned.

I carry only a Papyrus scroll, disavow all weapons, initiate only edifying interlocution, yet

I have Murdered My Friend

How did this happen? I have no memory, which is very odd all by itself, but according to first-hand accounts.: I talked her head off.

After the thousands upon thousands of hours I have spent talking to friends, this particular encounter turned lethal? at the very time our eternal disagreements have turned to slaughter?

Unlikely. This is something else. Some new horror has been let loose in our world that compels us to hurt one another. We must expose this menace, or succumb one by one to this other darkness.

The first suspicion of any emanation of evil must perforce fall on T.D. Himself. @guest_account_7
He has shown a lust for power (all 6 of his improvements have been STRength) and displayed an unsettling foreknowledge about the quickening.

But nothing seems particularly amiss. Indeed, instead of continuing his testosterone drenched ways, I sense his Vanity will carry him past Beijing to Venice, where he can prance with his aging voice showing he is still the Primo of the Primo Dons. and he can get a cup of coffee.

Vanity, Lust for Power, Pride, Gluttony for Java, may indeed be sinful, but that is not the evil we seek. We must search for a more subtle subterfuge.

We seek an impostor, someone who claims to be on the same journey as us, but who has a deeper connection to the forces that compel us to acts of horror and destruction.

I suggest we turn to someone who claims to have already found one impostor in a wildly implausible tale.

Evelyn Wolff @Nightflyer, by your own admission you have had contact with this “other” – an other associated with our most baleful shadows. What else can you tell us?

Every story has many perspectives – please share yours.

Yours in Truth,

–Mr Collins

Collins TN


What, you think it’s a trap?


I’m not sure why you think I know any more than anyone else about YOwOL. Sure, I fought him once, and I witnessed his death. But I’ve already told you everything I know. He seemed just like any Immortal, until he died, and didn’t come back. I can’t explain it.


“C’mon, Aengus.”

“Where we goin’?”

“I got a city to burn down.”



After Malta I realized the jig was up for soldiering work. With the new technologies coming, war was a thing of the past and my skills were becoming less useful. I took a job in a new mine for coal near New Castle, on that little spit of land they call Britain. I can only assume I’ll be quite wealthy soon.

-Groß Wilhelm, the First of Hist Name


That should be pretty obvious.

It’s not Yowol we need to investigate – we need to seek any knowledge we can collectively glean about the nebulous forces that are manipulating us. Something made me murder a friend @Glutnix, even though I travel unarmed. I want to know what.

@messana generally dictates our fates, with god-like “dice rolling.” YOwOL was presenting as one of us until you declared his death out of protocol. What made you think you had the power, the knowledge, the permission, to do so? I am certain that If I simply related a story of , say, “Evelyn fell on her lovely karabela and died,” that the Archivist and messana would not duly remove @Nightflyer from this particular slipstream of history. Yet that is what happened.

A simple denial is inadequate. You did this. Why?


And what makes you think you have the right to demand answers of me in such a manner?

I do not need to justify myself to you, but I will say this, and no more. YOWOL was my nemesis, and I can’t say I liked the man, but he was an opponent in the Game, and as such, his end deserved to be noticed and remembered.

He died by his own hand. I will swear to that on my blade. And I did leave something out of the tale. Before his puzzling final words, he whispered to me, “tell my story.” I honored that request.

Believe me, or don’t.


As Immortals, we travel. We pick a destination, and occasionally a faction. Sometimes, other Immortals happen to pick the same destination at around the same time. If we meet, we fight. To the death, if possible, given the constraints of time, opportunity, skill, and not being interrupted.

Thus it has always been. We are not like the mortals in this manner. We vary in ever so many ways, but the cost of our long lives seems to be our need to attempt to kill each other, whether we love each other or no. (Okay, maybe we are like the mortals in this manner.)

Our only shared motto is “The Can Be Only One.” It’s never made sense to me, since there are obviously several of us banging around the disco at any given moment, and have been since before I came around. Nevertheless, the universe in which we find ourselves compels us to murder one another, until one is left standing (however unsteadily).

Think you I gleefully embraced my own murder of Mlle. D’Oilly? The only excuse I have to offer is a pathetic one, but no less true for all that: I was not entirely my own master, just as was the case when you beheaded your noble ungulant friend Maple. When we meet, we fight, if there be another Immortal present and available there to fight.

If we don’t like this state of affairs, we can cease our efforts at any time, and await a visit by The Kurgan, who will be more than happy to absorb our essences for his own fell purposes.

Shit. Cosmology ain’t my strong suit, and this sums up my understanding of the gods and what they want of us:

In the beginning
Back in nineteen fifty-five
Man didn’t know about a rock ‘n’ roll show
And all that jive
The white man had the shmaltz
The black man had the blues
No one knew what they was gonna do
But Tchaikovsky had the news
He said

Let there be sound
There was sound
Let there be light
There was light
Let there be drums
There was drums
Let there be guitar
There was guitar
Oh, Let there be rock

And it came to pass
That rock ‘n’ roll was born
All across the land every rockin’ band
Was blowing up a storm
And the guitar man got famous
The businessman got rich
And in every bar there was a super star
With a seven year itch
There were fifteen million fingers
Learning how to play
And you could hear the fingers picking
And this is what they had to say
Let there be light
Let there be rock

One night in a club called "The Shaking Hand"
There was a ninety-two decibel rocking band
And the music was good and the music was loud
And the singer turned and he said to the crowd -
Let there be rock


You pose profound philosophical questions, Mr. Collins. Are we the masters of our fate, or is our destiny determined by forces beyond our control? As we journey through our long lives, are we observed by intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, who play with us as their puppets? Consider Lord @messana , who appears to know the future, and who grants boons will ye nill ye to those of us in favour. And the mysterious being known as The Archivist, who, we are told, records our fates and appears at crucial times, uttering dire warnings, but may not be spoken to.

Now this new paradoxical creature, neither mortal nor immortal. His manner is common. He wields, not a sword as befitting one of gentle birth, but a common tradesman’s hammer, yet he arrogantly claims the right to use it on anyone, high or low, who offends his touchy sense of dignity. (He appears when his name is sounded, so I propose that we refer to him as Master Whanker when discussing him.)

The Lady Evelyn reports that she saw him die as a mortal in Beijing, and yet I encounter him two centuries later here in Amsterdam, claiming to be the same. Is he indeed an Immortal, but one who shammed his own death, much as my friend Kit Marlowe did? Consider the series of unfortunate events by which he met his end, an elaborate contrivance worthy of the fancies of the Rabbi Ben Goldberg himself, but which was witnessed by no one else in that crowded tavern. Lady Evelyn may indeed know more, but if she is under an oath of silence, we cannot as gentlemen ask her to break it.

But I left his head in the street, and here he returns, replying in insolent fashion to your letter.

Is some witchcraft involved? Has this strange imp somehow purloined a recipe that allows him to rise from the dead—some vile concoction such as we are told is employed in Scotland, involving eye of newt and tongue of dog? (Apologies, good McBarkruff, @ghoti, for the image.)

However, I may over-think. I recall the principle of ontological parsimony stated by the great scholar William of Ockham, under whom I had the honour of studying. As he famously said, “Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate.” I believe Master Whanker has given a hint in his message to you, which refers to a debate in the Realm of the Damned regarding an infestation of vermin. Can it be that there are many Whankers crouching in the drains and crannies of our existence, waiting to make mischief? Are they mentioned in the tales from Hamelin? Were some observed in the Crimea in 1343?

Perhaps we need, not a swordsman, but a piper.

Other Pendragon