Fuck Today, Reboot Edition

Well, I should hope not…

Unless it’s a Hallowe’en party, which it’s about the right time of year for.


Because of the synagogue shooting, the fucking day after bombs were delivered to Toadstool’s enemies.

We went for early voting, which worked beautifully, but I was thinking of all the people in this country who are disenfranchised.

Afterward, we went in search of some hot tea. We tried a small tea place opened recently, but it was only for bubble tea.

Then we went to Starbucks but it was so full there was no place to sit down.

Then we tried a smoothie place that did indeed have hot tea. So we ordered. Then I noticed the TV on the wall, showing CNN and constant coverage of the shooting. I also noticed the place had kind of an unpleasant smell.

We got our tea and sat down as far away as possible. But I could still hear. CNN then went over to a Toadstool rally, with him yapping about “unity,” as if he hadn’t been fomenting violence for years. So fucking hypocritical. Then a pastor came on, whom I ignored, but then a rabbi came on. I couldn’t believe it. His words were initially OK, but then he praised the 'Stool for “bringing us all together like he always has.” The guy is a fucking disgrace to his congregation.

Then I recognized the smell in the place. It was body odor of the people who worked there. Or maybe it came from the POTUS over the smellevision. I got up and left.


Bologna is a lovely, lovely city and I really like it there. Unfortunately, it turns out I’m super allergic to the mosquitoes:

(Blurred out because ewww, these bites are fucking nasty)

The doctor has given me antihistamines, antibiotics and cortisone, which have reduced the itchiness from “HOLY SHIT, MY ARMS ARE ON FIRE” to “hey, I bet this is what leprosy feels like.”

FUCK those little bloodsucking bastards.


I had a wisdom tooth taken out today because of resorption of the outer surface. The reason this happens is unknown; some inflammatory process maybe. They have extract it before the tooth cracks or falls apart, which is REALLY painful. The worst part was the anesthetic injection but even that wasn’t too bad. It took, I swear, only two minutes for the dentist to get the tooth out, and that was just kind of an unpleasant pressure rather than pain. Now it aches some, but isn’t too bad. It wasn’t impacted, and the roots were all parallel and not splayed out like the legs of an office chair, so that made it easier.

The weird thing is that this often happens in cats, and our cat Talia had to have three teeth taken out last week for the same reason.

I really should put this under “Meh Today” but we don’t have a thread like that. I’ve had worse days.


Brief update: Dad’s surgery is tomorrow. He’s scared, but stoic, figuring “what’s gonna happen will happen.” I’m just very, very scared.


Hope all goes well.

Take care.


I think the local radio station nailed it. They said it as a joke, but to me, it’s a mood.

Want the scariest costume of 2018? Dress up as 2018.

Just anxiety, depression, and all the attendant fun of all that shit. Especially Halloween. I ought to love this day. Instead, it’s when my Imposter Syndrome kicks into overdrive.

This year, everything else has made it worse.


This meeting should have been able to be wrapped up in 15 minutes, but is going on an hour and fifteen due to people not being able to read simple instructions, perform tasks ahead of time that were spelled out in small words and one person not having phone plan that gets text messages and so sat at the TFA requirement for three days instead of A) getting a plan that handles TFA or B) asking someone who has been hovering over them trying to get this set up.

Now I have to sit here while other fires are burning because no one else I’d doing their goddamned job.

I am so close to screaming IRL instead of in my head.

So, how’s y’all’s Monday?



I actually had my database conversion program ready on time for User Acceptance testing. It was looking iffy for a while there. It ran on time in UA, and although it ran into a few problems, most of it was resource allocation limits in UA, which wouldn’t affect the Production run. So, I’m feeling pretty good about all of this.

And then they tell me, in addition to the UA environments, I need to update all of the other testing environments (about a dozen, each taking about an hour to run), and give me only a few days in which to complete this task. “Fine,” I think. “I just won’t get anything else accomplished for a week.”

And then, after the first couple of test environments have been updated, I get the resourcing people on my back saying that my jobs shouldn’t be run during working hours. So, in addition to the rest of my already-packed weekend (first-aid instruction, laundry, filing and/or shredding several bags and a few stacks of paper), I also had to do overtime in order to get all of these testing environments converted.

Suffice it to say that I haven’t had much time for NaNoWriMo. Although I did manage to make egg nog Friday night, and waffles Sunday morning, because sometimes creature comforts are what keep you going.

Edit to add: So, to answer your question, my Monday is “exhausted.” I’m normally a little lost for finding the right words when speaking aloud, but I am barely able to verbalize coherent sentences this morning.


We (and the rest of central Mississauga) had a power outage this morning.

Our phones still can’t receive outside calls.

ETA: Bonus! I went to the boardroom I’d reserved for a meeting in the afternoon, and there was no table and no screen in it – just the chairs were left. So I sat there giggling to myself over what an incredibly shitty day it had been until the rest of the attendees showed up so we could find a functioning room together.


My cooler full of titty milk blew up after I checked it, but Delta is pretty family friendly and got me a new one with soft, non-explosive sides.


And my infant son is on nebulizer treatments with a mystery illness.


Oh no. I can’t ‘like’ this. But here’s hoping infundiboylum gets better soon.


Love it!


Can I ask: how do coolers blow up?


If I had to guess: you have the inside pressurized to one bar, the outside pressurized to 0.75 bars, the lid latched and airtight, and walls not designed to withstand a pressure differential.


But why?


Because the cooler was closed and made airtight at sea level, and the airliner’s cabin pressure at cruising altitude is about 3.5 psi lower than that?

I mean, 3.5 psi isn’t much (that’s about 5% of what a soda container holds at room temperature), but if the seal on your container isn’t meant to withstand any pressure differential…


Anyway, that’s a hell of a visual…