My apologies for my prolonged absence in the midst of this important project. I could go on with excuses, but that would be a waste of pixels. Suffice to say I’m back, and I’m committed to moving this all forward.
So, with that said, after much gnashing of teeth, I’ve decided to cut the list to 8 names from the 16 that were in the previous round. Why 8? Because it’s one byte, and one byte can’t hurt you. Because of the Law of Fives (8=5+3, 5x3=15, 15=1x5). Because nine is too many, and seven can’t be trusted (remember, seven ate nine). Because 发.
So here are the eight semi-finalists, of which you can pick your first and second choice;[poll type=multiple min=1 max=2]
Two quick notes; I’ve decided to remove the tld from the voting, since many of the choices at this point have many tld options. We can vote on a tld once we’ve settled on a name. I would however add that “cafe” seems to be the most popular, so if you’re trying to decide on these names and struggling to think of them without a tld, use a default “.cafe” to compare them all to each other on an equal footing. Second, I would remind folks that the reason we’re in this process is because technically HappyMutant is trademarked by the owners of BoingBoing. They have, at least initially, agreed to let us make use of the name, but it still comes with complications, so weigh that in your decision making.
If anyone has thoughts or ideas about improving this process, let me know by PM. Otherwise, vote and discuss. You have but two votes this time. Use them wisely.
(Yes, that screen cap is actually from Jeux sans Frontières and, yes there are plenty of Theresa May/Boris Johnson/David Davis/Liam Fox jokes in there, but I’m not using them because I’m the bigger person. )
Including the fact that an increasing number of people don’t want a reminder of what once was but is no longer. Do we want to be forever defined by there, or become our own self?