Redoubtable Downtown Space Abbey - Turn 7 - Intermezzo

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Trees and flowers blossom across the parks and promenades of Weatherby and the scent is nothing short of intoxicating. On a day like today it feels as if anything is possible. Letters have been sent and replies have been received. Upon reading your letters, you reflect on the implication of those written words.

City Hall proudly announces that construction will begin immediately on the newly announced Karekin Grammar School, the eagerly awaited Brummell Park, the prominent Farnsworth Trades Concern, as well as the Weatherby Free Public Library.

During this intermission, one should expect to recount the events that transpired when calling upon the recipient of your first letter as well as reminisce about the public details of your stroll through the Weatherby Botanical Gardens with the recipient of your second letter.

Romantic rivals still vie for the attention of certain Citizen Pretenders. Specifically:

Ms. Rodchaser (@mrmonkey) will arrive to pay a call to Lizzy Heliotrope, only to find Mr. Farnsworth (@Wisconsin_Platt already in attendance.
Lady Jane (@penguinchris) and Dr. Franksenketchup (@old) will arrive at the Botanical Gardens at the exact same moment to take a walk with Oblate Spheroid.
Mr. Dipswitch (@ghoti) will arrive at the Botanical Gardens to find Madeline Penumbra preparing to take a stroll with Mr. St-Patrick-Hartbrooke (@nimelennar)

Hearts are wooed in more ways than one, however. Where one True Citizen pays a visit, another yet may take a turn about the gardens. Keep a close eye on your romantic rivals lest they best you in the battle for affection.

Letters exchanged in the spring of 2419
Player Letter 1 Letter 2
@pogo Charlotte Branchwit –
@gwwar Mary Flowers Tom_Ratchetcrank
@nimelennar Margaret Rockingham Madeline Penumbra
@ghoti Eighth Madeline Penumbra
@daneel Cassie Oceana Charlotte Branchwit
@wisconsin_platt Lizzy Heliotrope Richard Forester
@MalevolentPixy – –
@fintastic – James Riptide
@penguinchris ssskidwish oblate spheroid
@old James Riptide oblate spheroid
@hadley Henry Argyle Qaaxtzl
@donald_petersen chewseen melisand copse
@manwich – –
@David_Falkayn Johann Wentworth liversnaps-greyson
@mrmonkey Lizzy Heliotrope Mary Flowers
@nightflyer liversnaps-grayson Jasper Milkthistle


  Cmdr Damerl Capstanturnbuckle
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  533 |  30 |  50 |  30 |  45 |  30 |  1  |
  | Rent (-100ÂŁ): Spartan Apartment (Moving fee -25ÂŁ, rent: -75ÂŁ)
  |   + Tongues wag (Rank-50)
  | Deposit on Modest Apartment returned (+200ÂŁ)
  | Reinlistment!  (MIL+4, Rank+20)
  | Purchased Commission as Dragoon Lieutenant -740ÂŁ): (MIL+8, rank+100
  | Fund Grammar School (-300ÂŁ): PER+6, Rank+60)
  | Wager (-20ÂŁ): Eggs and Beans (bettor: FSH+1)
  | First Letter: Charlotte Branchwit sends a curt reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Decapoda Downs             |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Tom Ratchetcrank           |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Spartan Apt. (rank+50)     |    -75  |     0  |    -75 | +125 |
  | Successful Patent          |    358  |   358  |      0 |   0  |
  | Volume of Poetry           |      0  |     0  |      0 |   0  |
  | Import/Export Shares       |    341  |   700  |   -359 |   0  |
  | Purse:  124ÂŁ
  | Income: 1024ÂŁ/turn


  Duchess Gummibunns
  | Fair (5)           |  741 |  33 |  49 |  34 |  32 |  27 |  1  |
  | Health (+0): Your condition is unchanged
  | Purchased Commission as Dragoon Ensign -840ÂŁ): (MIL+8, rank+80)
  | Fund Grammar School (-100ÂŁ): PER+2, Rank+20)
  | First Letter: Mary Flowers sends a pleasant reply
  | Second Letter: Ask Tom_Ratchetcrank about his reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Lumpy Estates              |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |   -700 |   0  |
  | Sketchy Seryl Mine*        |     57  |   186  |   -129 |   0  |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    252  |   337  |    -85 |   0  |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    381  |   654  |   -273 |   0  |
  | Industry Verticals (bad)   |    260  |   400  |   -140 |   0  |
  | Purse:  89ÂŁ
  | Income: 750ÂŁ/turn


  Aaaakzeee St-Patrick-Hartbrooke II
  | Well Enough (6)    |  656 |  32 |  33 |  18 |  26 |  28 |  1  |
  | Health (+1): Medical attention from your physician
  | First Letter: Margaret Rockingham sends a pleasant reply
  | Second Letter: Madeline Penumbra sends an enthusiastic reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Hartbrooke Hall            |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Proper Apt. (rank+150)     |   -400  |     0  |   -400 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    344  |   549  |   -205 |   0  |
  | Successful Patent          |    172  |   172  |      0 |   0  |
  | Municipal Bonds            |     96  |    96  |      0 |   0  |
  | Physician's Services       |   -100  |     0  |   -100 |   0  |
  | Purse:  74ÂŁ
  | Income: 612ÂŁ/turn


  Reginald Oblongnoknees Ursulak Nock-nock Dipswitch, VII
  | Well Enough (6)    |  607 |  30 |  48 |  45 |  37 |  32 |  1  |
  | Health (+1): Your condition is improving
  | Purchased Commission as Hussars Ensign -450ÂŁ): (MIL+4, rank+20)
  | Fund Trade School (-500ÂŁ): BUS+10, Rank+100)
  | Wager (-90ÂŁ): Poseidon's Noose (high roller: FSH+3)
  | First Letter: Ask Eighth about his reply
  | Second Letter: Madeline Penumbra sends a reply in kind
  | Buy (-5ÂŁ): Dr. Arbuckle's Whipweed Tonic Wine
  | Buy (-10ÂŁ): Ms. Merrimoose's Soothing Syrup
  | Buy (-15ÂŁ): Franklin Gooseberry's Remarkable Colloidal Seryl
  |   + Are these medicines safe to take together? (having visions)
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Pouncington Boxfort Castle |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Mr. Liversnaps-Grayson     |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Spartan Apt. (rank+50)     |    -75  |     0  |    -75 |   0  |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    125  |   175  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Successful Patent          |    171  |   171  |      0 |   0  |
  | Municipal Bonds            |    129  |   129  |      0 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    252  |   500  |   -248 |   0  |
  | Purse:  -5ÂŁ
  | Income: 1052ÂŁ/turn


  Lt. Erythro Brummell (ret)
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  821 |  27 |  65 |  29 |  39 |  30 |  0  |
  | Reinlistment!  (MIL+4, Rank+20)
  | Fund Public Park (-1101ÂŁ): FSH+22, Rank+220)
  | First Letter: Cassie Oceana sends a pleasant reply
  | Second Letter: Charlotte Branchwit sends an enthusiastic reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Cthonington Grove          |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Qaaxtzl                    |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Proper Apt. (rank+150)     |   -400  |     0  |   -200 | -200 |
  | Import/Export shares       |    378  |   565  |   -187 |   0  |
  | Lagoderm Ranch             |    138  |   193  |    -55 |   0  |
  | Municipal Bonds            |    120  |   120  |      0 |   0  |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    220  |   260  |    -40 |   0  |
  | Purse:  94ÂŁ
  | Income: 906ÂŁ/turn


  Hieronymoose Farnsworth, III
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  692 |  28 |  49 |  50 |  24 |  39 |  0  |
  | Attended by your valet (FSH+2)
  | Fund Trade School (-700ÂŁ): BUS+14, Rank+140)
  | Wager (-30ÂŁ): Poseidon's Noose (gambler: FSH+2)
  | First Letter: Lizzy Heliotrope sends a pleasant reply
  | Second Letter: Richard Forester sends a curt reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Abacus Racks               |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Rockford Julius            |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Proper Apt. (rank+150)     |   -400  |     0  |   -400 | -200 |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    147  |   240  |    -93 |   0  |
  | Industry Verticals         |    228  |   350  |   -122 |   0  |
  | Valet (FSH+2/turn)         |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    343  |   500  |   -157 |   0  |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    344  |   466  |   -122 | +200 |
  | Purse:  336ÂŁ
  | Income: 1062ÂŁ/turn      


  Olivier Richard Pierre Jean-Robèrt Sylvain
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  536 |  33 |  36 |  36 |  35 |  47 |  0  |
  | Purchased Commission as Dragoons Lieutenant -1190ÂŁ): (MIL+4, rank+20)
  | Fund Library (-900ÂŁ): EDU+10, Rank+180)
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | DeForest Hall              |    515  |   565  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Spartan Apt. (rank+50)     |    -75  |     0  |    -75 |   0  |
  | Printing business (large)  |    771  |  1260  |   -489 | +386 |
  | Municipal Bonds            |    255  |   255  |      0 |   0  |
  | Physician's Services       |   -100  |     0  |   -100 |   0  |
  | Purse:  97ÂŁ
  | Income: 1366ÂŁ/turn      


  Cmdr William T. Piker
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  847 |  30 |  29 |  30 |  42 |  39 |  0  |
  | Reinlistment!  (MIL+4, Rank+20)
  | Purchased Commission as Dragoon Ensign -390ÂŁ): (MIL+4, rank+60)
  | Fund Trade School (-200ÂŁ): BUS+4, Rank+40)
  | Fund Library (-300ÂŁ): EDU+6, Rank+60)
  | Wager (-20ÂŁ): Poseidon's Noose (bettor: FSH+1)
  | Second Letter: James Riptide sends a reply in kind
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Riker Stream Ranch         |    515  |   565  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Ens Walleye Crusher        |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |    -75 | -625 |
  | Import/Export shares       |    526  |   920  |   -394 |   0  |
  | Successful Patent (.NETs)  |    126  |   126  |      0 |   0  |
  | Industry Vert. (smelters)  |    260  |   400  |   -140 |   0  |
  | Purse:  75ÂŁ
  | Income: 677ÂŁ/turn


  Lady Jane
  | Very Good (8)      |  779 |  27 |  31 |  44 |  38 |  24 |  0  |
  | Health (+1): Your condition is improving
  | Purchased Commission as Hussars Lietenant (-700ÂŁ): (MIL+7, rank+35)
  | Fund Trade School (-521ÂŁ): BUS+10, Rank+100)
  | First Letter: Ask Ssskidwish about her reply
  | Second Letter: Oblate Spheroid sends an enthusiastic reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Thunder Down               |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |   -700 | -300 |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    385  |   616  |   -231 |   0  |
  | Lagoderm Ranch             |    483  |   794  |   -311 |   0  |
  | Sketchy Lagoderm Ranch     |    203  |   338  |   -135 |   0  |
  | Seryl Mine                 |     50  |   146  |    -96 |   0  |
  | Problematic Synergies      |   -100  |     0  |   -100 |  -50 |
  | Purse:  0ÂŁ
  | Income: 821ÂŁ/turn


  Dr. Heinz Franksenketchup
  | Good (7)           |  636 |  31 |  38 |  35 |  49 |  38 |  0  |
  | Health (-2): The plague blossoms within you
  | Health (+1): Medical attention from your physician
  | Purchased Commission as Dragoons Lieutenant (-700ÂŁ): (MIL+7, rank+35)
  | First Letter: James Riptide sends a warm reply
  | Second Letter: Oblate Spheroid sends an enthusiastic reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Castle Ponsfleischmann     |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Proper Apt. (rank+150)     |   -400  |     0  |   -400 | -325 |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |     95  |   115  |    -20 |   0  |
  | Lagoderm Ranch             |    113  |   133  |    -20 |   0  |
  | Seryl Mine                 |     91  |   295  |   -204 |   0  |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    100  |   133  |    -33 |   0  |
  | Industry Verticals (bad)   |    260  |   400  |   -140 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    291  |   579  |   -288 |   0  |
  | Physician's Services       |   -150  |     0  |   -150 |   0  |
  | Purse:  60ÂŁ
  | Income: 900ÂŁ/turn     


  Elizabeth Mary Farnsworth VI
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  717 |  32 |  38 |  27 |  39 |  35 |  0  |
  | Instructed by your Marshall (MIL+3)
  | Purchased Commission as Hussars Ensign (-450ÂŁ): (MIL+4, rank+20)
  | Fund Public Park (-200ÂŁ): FSH+4, Rank+40)
  | First Letter: Henry Argyle sends a warm reply
  | Second Letter: Ask Qaaxtzl about his reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Farnsworth Downs           |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |   -700 | -625 |
  | Printing business (large)  |    805  |  1290  |   -485 |   0  |
  | Volume of Poetry           |      0  |     0  |      0 | - 11 |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    219  |   365  |   -146 |   0  |
  | Marshall (MIL+3/turn)      |    -75  |     0  |    -75 |   0  |
  | Problematic Synergies      |   -150  |     0  |    -75 |  -75 |
  | Purse:  9ÂŁ
  | Income: 599ÂŁ/turn


  Carcinogennifer Honeyvenom
  | Hale & Hearty (10) |  791 |  24 |  38 |  23 |  24 |  20 |  0  |
  | Fund Public Park (-400ÂŁ): FSH+8, Rank+80)
  | Appointed as Ambassador to New Prussia (Rank+75)
  | Wager (-30ÂŁ): Matilda's Purse (gambler: FSH+2)
  | First Letter: Ask Chewseen about his reply
  | Second Letter: Melisande Copse sends a pleasant reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Dewclaw Manor              |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Ssskidwish                 |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |   -700 |   0  |
  | Sssketchy Lagoderm Ranch*  |    150  |   210  |    -60 |   0  |
  | Successssful Patent        |    223  |   223  |      0 |   0  |
  | Indussstry Verticals       |    240  |   433  |   -193 |   0  |
  | Lagoderm Ranch             |    327  |   552  |   -225 |   0  |
  | Purse:  30ÂŁ
  | Income: 690ÂŁ/turn


  Julius Rothschild Karekin
  | Good (7)           |  935 |  46 |  37 |  34 |  25 |  32 |  0  |
  | Health (+0): Your condition is unchanged
  | Fund Grammar School (-500ÂŁ): PER+10, Rank+100)
  | First Letter: Johann Wentworth sends a warm reply
  | Second Letter: Ask liversnaps-greyson about his reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Waddeson Manor             |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Eighth                     |    -50  |     0  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Luxurious Apt. (rank+500)  |  -1200  |     0  |  -1200 | -800 |
  | Seryl Mine                 |    116  |   221  |   -105 |   0  |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    150  |   170  |    -20 |   0  |
  | Successful Patent          |    419  |   419  |      0 |   0  |
  | Industry Verticals         |    124  |   248  |   -124 |   0  |
  | Whipweed Farm              |    510  |   678  |   -168 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    163  |   206  |   - 43 |   0  |
  | Barrister                  |   -250  |  -250  |   -250 |   0  |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    290  |   430  |   -140 |   0  |
  | Purse:  17ÂŁ
  | Income: 772ÂŁ/turn


  Jean-Rhys Witherspoon Wilhelmina Winnifred Rodchaser née Westingham
  | Well Enough (6)    |  896 |  32 |  51 |  33 |  24 |  51 |  0  |
  | Health (+0): Your condition is unchanged
  | Fund Public Park (-105ÂŁ): FSH+2, Rank+20)
  | Fund Library (-805ÂŁ): EDU+16, Rank+160)
  | Wager (-76ÂŁ): Bags O'Mystery (high roller: FSH+3)
  | First Letter: Lizzy Heliotrope sends a curt reply
  | Second Letter: Mary Flowers sends a pleasant reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Coulibri Island            |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Fashionable Apt. (rank+300)|   -700  |     0  |   -700 |   0  |
  | W.U. Distinguished Prof.   |    472  |   533  |    -61 |   0  |
  | Import/Export shares       |    446  |   767  |   -321 |   0  |
  | Sandfishery Rights         |    242  |   404  |   -162 |   0  |
  | Purse:  -1ÂŁ
  | Income: 960ÂŁ/turn


  Eudaemonia Betalinda Ponsonby-Britt
  | Well Enough (6)    |  631 |  38 |  39 |  33 |  30 |  37 |  0 |
  | Health (-3): You have suffered a relapse
  | Purchased Commission as Hussars Ensign -450ÂŁ): (MIL+4, rank+20)
  | Fund Grammar School (-200ÂŁ): PER+4, Rank+40)
  | Fund Trade School (-200ÂŁ): BUS+4, Rank+40)
  | Fund Library (-200ÂŁ): EDU+4, Rank+40)
  | Wager (-1ÂŁ): Grumblewhacket wins!  Payout 10ÂŁ (lady luck: FSH+3)
  | First Letter: Ask Liversnaps-Greyson about his reply
  | Second Letter: Jasper Milkthistle sends a pleasant reply
  +--- Holdings ---------------+---Net---+-Income-+-Upkeep-+Change+
  | Bedlams Bower              |    500  |   550  |    -50 |   0  |
  | Proper Apt. (rank+150)     |   -400  |     0  |   -400 | -200 |
  | Printing business (small)  |    138  |   180  |    -42 |   0  |
  | Successful Patent          |    225  |   225  |      0 |   0  |
  | Industry Verticals         |    200  |   400  |   -200 |   0  |
  | Weatherby War Bonds (I)    |    324  |   600  |   -276 |   0  |
  | Purse:  10ÂŁ
  | Income: 987ÂŁ/turn

[GM Note: As always, please bring any bookkeeping errors to my attention. Unfortunately, I will almost certainly not be able to address them prior to April 13th, as I will be traveling out of the country and be utterly without internet access starting in the early hours of Friday March 30th. No formal options will be available for selection during this intermission. In the meantime, I encourage all of you to tell and embellish the stories around the goings-on in and about Weatherby in the splendid springtime of 2419. Meanwhile, I very much look forward to our continuation of this journey in a few short weeks.]
















Oh. That’s just the reply I received. Never mind.


Weatherby is known for her remarkable springtime sensations…

With the whipweed blossoming by the riverside…

Trees and flowers blossom across the parks and promenades of Weatherby and the scent is nothing short of intoxicating.

Ah, ah, ah… ACHOO!

Health (-2): The plague blossoms within you


*hands over handkerchief without even looking. *

(The handkerchief is still in the original packaging and Liv is wearing gloves).


Dank gue berry buttch, Lib.


Oh Glob! Isn’t that your friend @Tom_Ratchetcrank? That’s just terrible.

Foul play is not suspected in the demise.

Are the papers true? I could have sworn that poor fish fellow had quite a sticking.


Indeed he was, and indeed he has. Passed quietly in his sleep. His deep, deep, not at all opiate induced sleep.

Perhaps if you have the time, now, you and I could stroll the promenade 'round the park. It’s times like these we must do our best to console one another.


Indeed. I witnessed the lad within the confines of the Club proper, barb protruding, carelessly dripping blood on the floor.

He appeared to be in some small distress, so I refrained from making any comment on the mess. He seemed quite focused on his report to Commander Piker @fintastic, in any case, and I am quite surprised to learn of his passing.


It was so globbin’ sudden. Like, any one of us could drop dead!

Glob, you always think of the best things @Tom_Ratchetcrank. A nice walk in the park is just what I need.


[wipes up a small pool of blood with a fresh handkerchief, and surreptitiously seals it all in a bio-stasis bag]


During this intermission, one should expect to recount the events that transpired when calling upon the recipient of your first letter as well as reminisce about the public details of your stroll through the Weatherby Botanical Gardens with the recipient of your second letter.

Laboratory Notes
Spring Season
Notebook L95-456.2
Section <3
Affairs of the Heart
Subject: Self

Much has transpired since last I made notes here on the experiment I call Affairs of the Heart. First off, my own heart was broken at the Governor’s Ball. My one true desire, Richard Fortsner Fastener Forterer rejected me in favor of Lord Hiyouronamoose Farnsworth @Wisconsin_Platt. Farnsworth is fine chap, comes from an old family of mercantile mooses, richer than Croesus, and a spectacular rack into the bargain. It’s difficult to stay jealous of such a fine fellow. However, I did take it rather ill at the time.

I over-imbibed toward the end of the Governor’s Ball and goodness knows what really happened in the deepest hours of that particular night. I awoke late the following day, and feeling like the dewey, warm insides of a lagoderm pellet, immediately joined the navy.


I had to have my secret little tattoo modified, but no ragerts. The Dragoons will be a distraction from my hearbreak, and will teach me something of military matters. Yes, I know I’m buying my way into the the chain of military command, but nonetheless Weatherby is served and so am I. Perhaps by close observation of more experienced military leaders @pogo @daneel I can gain skills which will serve me in my future endeavors without accidentally destroying my command.

After a period of reflection and a number of distractions including a duel and now apparently a ward’s murder, I have come to the decision to press on in affairs of the heart. Richard Forminster is truly lost to me, but other potential partners offer both greater wealth and social standing abound if true love is not to be had.


Laboratory Notes
Spring Season
Notebook L95-456.3
Section <~~~4
Affairs of the Heart
Subject: Self

I sent a letter of affection to James Riptide and while he wasn’t exactly swept off his feet, I was rewarded with a warm return. We exchanged views on current events, floated a few ideas we were shore of, and the exchanged flowed tidally tidily. While James is not my heart’s desire, I do feel affection for him and find he would be a boon to my social standing.


Laboratory Notes
Spring Season
Notebook L95-456.4
Section <Âş5
Affairs of the Heart
Subject: Self

Oh what surprises the gods taunt us with daily. I had danced a very pretty Quadrille with Oblate Sphagnum Sphenoid Spheroid at the Governor’s Ball and recently arranged to meet it at the Botanical Gardens for a walk and exchange of our hearts’ sentiments. I arrived in good time and found to my great surprise that Lady Jane @penguinchris also had the very same rendezvous planned. This was indeed awkward, however we pressed on, walking all together, both passing the time, and passing the object of our affections between us.


While some of the exchanges were a bit spirited…


…each made a good pitch and scored a few points toward the goal of our game.

And I think we all ended our stroll with at least as much respect and admiration for each other as we started with. Lady Jane has always been held in my highest esteem. Her procurement of the fishing reserves map all those many months ago has proven most valuable. Oblate Sphere’s perfectly rotated ellipsoid form is striking and its force of personality positively gravitational. While I do not love it as I once did Richard Fastener, I believe we would make a good match. And I also believe the rumors of its vast fortune - some 10,000 £ a year in clementine profits. That doesn’t hurt the cause either.


The effect may have been slightly different on you, but Oblate Spheroid’s special geometry (N = 2,d = 4 supergravity and Calabi-Yau moduli space) seemed to allow us both their full attention. I believe we saw different sides of them, if you will. Whether that makes them two-faced, I couldn’t say.

Note that this is for illustration only; the pictured spheroid is not oblate


"Just pull over up here, Drover. There at the roundabout, that will be close enough. I’ll walk the rest of the way."said Hieron from the phaeton.

“Oi, Guv’nor, you’ll be charged the same, it’s the app what charges you.” barked the carriageman as he pulled over.

“Yes, Yes. I’m well aware of Hüber’s methodology.”, quipped Hieron as he climbed down, pulled out his comm and gave the carriageman 5 horseshoes. “Have a credchit for your troubles.”

“You’re sure now, sir? It is getting dark, I’d hate for something untoward happen to such an upstanding Tee Cee.”

“Yes. Yes.”, Hieron waved his walking stick as if it were a sabre. “I’m no milk-sucking calf.”

The streetlights began to pop on as the carriage went away. Hieron walked over to the fountain that was punctuated the roundabout and sat on one of the benches to reflect upon his day.


Hieron nibbled at the toast and sipped his Whipweed tea as Pierre perepared his outfits.

“Monsieur?” Was your appointment book’s schedule accurate?" asked the elderly man from the doorway of the dressing room.

“Of course, Pierre. Trade Concern project at nine, Docks at half past ten, fishery before noon if time permits. Back to St. Marrowbone to change. Over to Miss Heliotrope’s by quarter of three.”

“Thank you, sir. I have your tweeds set out for this morning and your velvet set out for this afternoon. Please remember the walking stick. It is the objet d’été, so please do not go to your afternoon appointment without it.”

“Thank you, Pierre.”


The walls were going up on the Farnsworth Trade Concern. All in all, Hieron was well pleased with the progress. The location was good. Between Ten Path and Paddington, so a solid class of Pea Cees would find the location quite suitable. Was this what it would take to finally feel entranced with Weatherby? His name in marble above the doors of a building?

“Hmmph,” he snorted. "I should have insisted on H. Farnsworth Trade Concern.

“In the event I leave this place, I’d hate to think dear cousin (@Hadley) having to correct everyone - or not - as to which Farnsworth assumed the pioneering role”

Looking down the street at another building site, Hieron thought he recognized a friend and made his way down to see him

“Ahhh, Mr. Karekin (@David_Falkayn). I see you’re out inspecting this fine primary school of yours. Perhaps we should just build a tunnel between our two learning institutions? As they graduate from yours, they can be trained to be productive members of society. How’s @Eighth doing? I’ve not seen him around lately. But, then Rocco has been so busy, I’ve scarcely seen that bushy tail more than twice in a fortnight?”

“Ahh, yes, Eighth. I do believe the passing of Commander Fisher’s ensign troubled him more than I’d have expected.”

“True, True. Terrible thing. Dysentery, I read. Poor Bugger. He’d been a good influence on Rockford. Now that poor squirrel is throwing himself into my work. He’s borrowed the wagon from the warehouse several times recently to go check on my farming concern. Speaking of business I’ve got to make it down to the docks. Is there a cab stand near here?”

“Cab Stand? Oh, Hieron, how quaint. Have you not heard of Hüber? Get out your comm and go to the app market”

Hieron pulled on the chain and the circular comm device popped from his waistcoat pocket. The screen lit up and he proceeded as Karekin had suggested.

“Search on Haitch Ewe Bae Eee Arr. That’s it. What this app does it signal to a Hüber Driver just in the area that you are looking for a ride, once you’ve put in a location, one of these drivers will accept the request, show up and take you straight away. No Cab Stand required.”

“Hmm.” bemused Hieron, skeptically he typed in the required information. “So, it looks as if it sets up a tab and I just reconcile at the end of the month?”

“Well, yes, for Tea Cees.”

Hieron hit the “Hail” button and a few seconds later the scruffy mug of a Space Hound popped up on the screen. “Gregory McGruffin has accepted your Fare. He will arive within five minutes.”

As they continued small talk, four minutes later a Trap came up the street and pulled up along side them. A wiry terrier leapt down and placed a stool on the ground at the carriage door.

“Master Farnsworth? I’m your driver for this trip to the …uh… docks. Please sit down. I’ve got a thermos of Whipweed tea if you’d like some as well as some nice peppermint candies if it suits you.”

Hieron settled in and gave a raised eyebrow to Karekin. “Julius, I trust you will report my last whereabouts if I fail to make it to the club this eve’in.”

Karekin smiled and waved them off


All had been in order at ZepEx. Talk of New Prussia seemed to be the chief concern amongst the pilots. Hieron had been concerned at the thought of war and his bottom line as well, but best not to let the hired hands to know that. The warehouse was in order as well, but as he was leaving the foreman asked when Rockford was going to bring the wagon back he’d borrowed.

“Him and that @Tom_Ratchetcrank were through here three nights ago. Said they just needed to borrow the small wagon, but they’d have it back in the morning.”

“I believe he needed to journey out to the farm. I’m sure you misunderstood his return time.”

The foreman grimmaced but knew better than to argue with the Moose.

Hieron left and called up another Hüber. He’d need to set Rockford down and see what was going on. But that would wait, as would the Fishery. He had to return home to prepare for his afternoon appointment.


The velvet suit shone in afternoon sun. The copper accents of his waist coat highlighted his freshly brushed coat as he knocked on Miss Heliotrope’s door. She opened the door and positively shimmered. They had exchanged a few letters and had chosen to go out for coffee tonight. He’d settled on a proper cab for this trip, unsure of what Hüber would show up. She was on the fourth floor of a quaint apartment building. As a Holograph the stairs would be of little concern. Except for whom they met on the second floor landing.

"Why, Alderperson Jean Rhys (@MrMonkey) " smiled Hieronymoose, “Whatever would bring you to this apartment building? Surely you aren’t looking for a new place?”

“No, Aldermoose Farnsworth.” Replied Jean-Rhys, icily. “I thought I was to meet someone here tonight, but apparently someone is mistaken.”

While he knew Jean-Rhys was talking to him, she glared at Lizzy. From the corner of his eye, he could see Lizzy flicker a bit as she began to emit at a shorter wavelength. For the time, Hieron decided to play innocent.

“Excuse me for my rudeness, Jean-Rhys, Lizzy Heliotrope, Lizzy, this is my fellow Alder Sentient Jean-Rhys Witherspoon Wilhelmina Winnifred Rodchase”

Lizzy’s voice was pitched a tad higher than normal, “Yes. We’ve met. At the Governors ball. We danced the Quadrille.”

“My goodness.” Exclaimed Hieron. "Yes. You. Did. Imagine the coincidence of you living in the same building as whomever Jean-Rhys had come to pay a call to. Small worlds they say.

“Good afternoon, Alderperson. Lizzy and I were just off for a spot of “High Coffee” the papers are calling it. Until we meet again. Farewell”

With that, Hieronymoose and Lizzy moved past Jean-Rhys and out to the hansom waiting out front.

While Hieron held the door for Lizzy, he finally broke a smile at the events that had just transpired.

The cab pulled away from the curb and Lizzy began to stammer something about mixed up dates.

“Pish, posh, dear Lizzy. I have no hold over whom you may know and converse with. But to see her face was worth the world.”

“Pay no more mind to her. Let us talk more of New Halogen where you came from…”


“High Coffee” had been enjoyable. Hieron Tried the flat white, while Lizzy absorbed the electrolytes from a fine ground mixture of coffee and lithium. After nearly two hours, they left the shop full of mirth and Lizzy practically begged Hieron to call a Hüber so she could say she’d taken a ride in one.

Hieron hit the Hail and this time a human named Jeb responded. The Chaise that showed up had recently been waxed and shone in evening sun. The driver was polite and offered an array of lemon tarts, obviously unaccustomed to the traveling needs of a Holograph, but Hieron took one out of politeness. The trip back seemed too short as Hieron and Lizzy arrived back at her apartment. He offered to walk her up, but she declined.

Gathering his bearings, Hieron thought the Levithan was just a few streets over and began to walk. Passing by an alleyway, he almost thought he’d seen @Rockford_Julius, but probably just some other Squirrel as he ducked around a corner as soon as Hieron could wave to him.

After thee third block he thought he might have been going the wrong direction. By the forth block he was sure of it.

“Bugger it.” Hieron grumbled, pulled out his comm and hit the nav button. Shaking his head he had not realized how far out of the way he had gone. "At this point, he thumbed over and hit Hail one more time. A sleek, Phaeton showed up just over ten minutes later.

“Sorry, Guv’nor. I’d just sat down to some tucker when I saw your hail. I was certain some other bloke would have answered before me.”

Hieron paid little mind as he climbed in.

“Was that the Levithan than?”

“No. I’ve changed my mind. Take me back to St. Marrowbone, the day has been long.”

The ride was swift as the roads had cleared out largely. Suddenly regaining his bearings, Hieron realized they’d be going by Brummel’s new park. At the roundabout, Hieron asked the driver to pull over.


The moon was rising. Had he felt more inclined he’d have walked through the park to the lake and taken in the view. Perhaps, if Richard would deign to walk with him, they would stroll through Brummel’s Botanical Boulevard in the evening to take in the sites. What had he said to have put him so far off. The ball had gone splendidly, but the correspondence had faltered. He’d played this scenario out in his mind too many times. Shaking his head, he began the walk home. This was a route he knew.

Up two blocks and the Weatherby Free Public Library rose from what had been a farm that the city had grown around. It was an open secret Jean-Rhys had put up the largest sum for the library but her principles would never have her adorning the facade of the grand building with her name. He smirked again at the day’s earlier encounter.

Hieron kept walking and turned down the street that would lead to the St. Marrowbone neighborhood. So lost in his thoughts, he was startled back to the here and now as he walked past an alley and a commotion occured.

A large, bipedal being stood up from whatever he was doing. Looked to see Hieron and then charged at him. A blade held in one hand and rage in his eyes. At the last moment, Hieron remembered his walking stick and managed to deflect the blade from its target and only have it graze him across arm.

The brute kept charging though and bowled over the moose. Hieron landed without dignity on the ground, but whatever that was kept running. Hearing a faint groan from the alleyway, Hieron crawled over to see the prone body of a young lizard, bleeding profusely.

Pulling out his comm, he dialed 0118 999 881 999119 725 3.

“Emergency Services. Please state the nature of your Emergency”

“This is Hieronymoose Farnsworth the Third. I’d like to report an assault and possibly, a murder.”