For organizing and tracking all the topics related to the latest iteration of the Badass-style forum game.
In-Character Game Spaces
- The Leviathan Club: a gathering place for the official, landed, and titled classes of Weatherby.
- Turn 1 - Welcome to Weatherby!: in which the assembled begin to explore the city
- Turn 2 - We are all go here in Weatherby!: in which the salon season begins.
- Turn 3 - Pomp and Promenade: in which the season gives way to summer and out of doors games.
- Turn 4 - The Election of 2418: in which the Mayorship must submit to the will of the people.
- Turn 5 - Ball, Book, and Candle: in which a grand ball is held.
- Turn 5a - Two Members Enter: in which a duel is fought.
- Turn 6 - A Young Sentient’s Fancy: in which courtships are kindled.
- Turn 7 - Intermezzo: in which romances are pursued and stories are told.
- Turn 8 - The Pleasure of Company: in which dinner parties are held.
- Turn 9 - Aisle Royale: in which proposals are made.
- Turn 10 - Purse and Perceptibility: in which crises mount.
- Turn 11 - Cheerfulness Taught By Reason: in which storm clouds gather.
- Turn 12 - All Good Things: in which the storm breaks.
- You Say You Want a Resolution: in which stories are brought to something resembling a conclusion
- Turn 13 - Epilogue: in which we arrive at the conclusion of the story
Order Submission
- Public Ledger: Orders may be only submitted in this topic or via PM to @Bartlebot
Reference Materials
- Player database: a read-only view of all player stats for convenience
- Encyclopedia Britannia Prime: Additional information about the Weatherby system
Out-of-Character Game Spaces
- Players Handbook: Detailed information regarding player norms and game mechanics.
- Call for Players: For registering your character concept prior to game start on Mon Feb 12, 2018.
- Pre-game announcement: A high-level description of the hijinx we’ll be getting up to this time.
- Player Postmortem: To discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly in this little exercise.
Previous Badass Installments
- Badass Dragoons of the Highlands (2017): a Highlander-themed PvP story
- Badass Dragon Scavengers of the Void (2017): an adventure on a Deep Salvage Vessel in Charybdis
- Badass Space Dragon 2 (2015): A return to the outskirts of Charybdis
- Badass Dragons of the Wasteland (2014): A Road Warrior-themed post-apocalyptic automobile story
- The galaxy of Charybdis is released into the public domain (2013)
- Badass Space Dragon (2013): The original space opera set in the galaxy of Charybdis