Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Yup, which is fine – don’t waste the vitamins – but DILUTION in something palatable is necessary.


I’m on a weird diet for illness management so I eat a lot of greens. I love cabbage and spinach, but the only way I can seem to like kale is when it’s cooked with other greens like mustard long and slow with a big hunk of shoulder and plenty of fat. I really don’t get the juice thing mainly because while the micronutrients are great I want that fiber…


Yeah, I imagine that makes it a lot better!

Btw welcome to elsewhere!


My grandmother used to steam kale 'til it was well wilted, grind it through her meat grinder to a puree, and serve it with… I can’t remember that part, because for me the fun part was getting to work the grinder, but it was probably pork chops.

(I find it very amusing that all the hopelessly uncool food I ate as a kid is now cool. I wish my grandparents could see it – they’d find it hilarious.)


Yup, at a local “natural” restaurant. Their food is really good, but I avoid things like the “kale-cucumber” drink. :nauseated_face:

The only sweetener on the table are “Sugar in the Raw” and Stevia. They used to have Splenda on the table, but that disappeared. I asked about it. Turned out they still had it the kitchen for customers who wanted it, but the chef decided to remove it from the tables because he wanted to “present a natural experience.” WTF? I’ll bring my own next time, especially since I like Equal better. The food is worth the trouble.


Stupid fucking printer tell me that it doesn’t have a cartridge when it MOST CERTAINLY DOES… !!!


Can’t print my fucking documents I need to for classes next week because the fucking printer won’t FUCKING PRINT THEM FOR NO FUCKING REASON WHATSOEVER!!!

You tell that printer SuperHans!!!


Yay! Welcome to Elsewhere!



You probably don’t feel like buying a new printer. However, next time you do, consider a cheap laser. It won’t have colour, but it will be more reliable than most inkjets, especially if you don’t print every day.

Source: I took a course on electronic printing once for work, and asked one of the instructors about it, since printer hardware was her specialty.


It may think you have a third party cartridge, even if you don’t. I had that happen, and the printer AND the scanner refused to work! I had to buy a cleaning kit and a particular type of cleaner to get it to work again – after hours of cleaning and waiting for things to dry.

I hadn’t used it in a long time – I think you have to print something at least every week to keep it working.

ETA: which you probably do. Maybe it decided its programmed “lifespan” in had come to an end!


Splenda is mostly dextrose. Brown sugar is mostly fructose. People have varying tolerance for fructose.


Dextrose… and chlorine, which is probably the part which makes it give some people reactions. It’s six chlorine molecules to one dextrose molecule, but since sugar molecules are a lot bigger than chlorine molecules I’m not sure how that works out proportionally.


The chlorine is what bothers me about Splenda; it just feels toxic somehow, even if it’s generally considered safe. Equal is just two amino acids iirc, which I would expect just go into the general pool.


I’m prejudiced because it gives me really nasty histamine reactions, but somehow I think it’s rather cynical to deliberately create a chemical compound so that it can be consumed and not digested.


Color lasers aren’t bad either. A little more expensive, but still way cheaper than inkjet + ink. I’ve had mine for about 3 years and just now replacing the starter color toner cartridges; according to the printer that’s after just over 1000 pages, 764 of which were printed in color mode. The standard cartridges are supposed to get 1400 pages. (Although estimated page-yields are at 5% coverage, approximately equivalent to a page of text, not full-page full-color images. I’ve printed relatively few of those.)

The one drawback is that the color images aren’t art-grade. You can see the halftoning and sometimes they’re a bit faded/washed-out looking.

My main problem with inkjets - since I don’t print every day, it seemed like every time I wanted to print something I had to go buy more ink first. At $75+ for ink even if just for a couple pages, those were very expensive print jobs.


Color lasers are SO much less problematic.


And @kxkvi It’s an old school HP 4+ which we got on ebay a while back (10 years) and has lasted forever. I think it’s just gone at this point. We did just get a second printer, a color laserjet, but since most of my printing is papers, we’re going to pick up a new B&W laserjet for most of my printing.


Oh, it was a laser printer to begin with? Oops. Printer saying “bad cartridge” when it isn’t just made me automatically think of ink jets – since it happened to me.

Note to self: Don’t assume.


Sorry, I’m the one who started that.

This leads me to wonder when printers are going to DRM themselves out of existence. When you start punishing consumers even though they followed all your stoopid rules, you’re in trouble. Apple nearly did it to themselves with iTunes before they got wise.


uBlock Origin malfunctioning again…

I’d like to be able to defeat this crap by setting up a whitelist, opening approved websites with their layouts, and all the rest in “no style.”

I’ve asked how to do this but everyone either tells me to switch to Lynx so I get terminal-Window eye-strain migraines instead, or to install a half-dozen add-ons that will absolutely solve the problem (spoiler: I’ve been using them for years, they only scratch the surface), or to stop using the Web.

It shouldn’t be too hard to use an existing setting…?

P.S. One new suggestion: Malwarebytes browser extension. Which fires its own migraine-inducing modals. A pox on modals!


The Pi-Hole lets you add to its whitelist (which starts off empty). It also has a blacklist for you to customise on top of its advertising blacklists: